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Messages - Doug C

I have 988 your cars twin. 
I am not an expert by if at all possible I'd try and find someone to inspect it.  In all reality it's a small price to pay to find out the good and bad.  Good luck to whomever buys this car.
SAAC Forum Discussion Area / Re: SAAC 46 CA
March 04, 2021, 09:46:11 AM
Yea, Already blocked my calendar. 
1966 Shelby GT350/GT350H / Re: Battery post rubber piece
February 22, 2021, 07:54:23 PM
988 has the staples, however, majority of the rubber is gone.  Just the staples are there with little pieces of rubber.  Any idea if this piece is being reproduced?  Thanks
Thanks for the update...
1967 Shelby GT350/500 / Re: Sleeping Beauty wakes up
February 10, 2021, 11:18:12 AM
Can't want to see it, I think that you live in my city, if you need help with photo's let me know.

Cheers, Doug
1966 Shelby GT350/GT350H / Re: 6S1134 On Its Way
January 15, 2021, 09:41:02 PM
One of my favorite colors, are you putting strips on it?  If white or gold.  BTW it looks fabulous,
As I read this I can only think of his family, friends and how much he did for everyone that needed help, me included.  Jim Rest In Peace. 
1966 Shelby GT350/GT350H / Re: Scott Fuller Tri ys
January 03, 2021, 09:11:56 PM
First I'd like to say I have no skin in this post but I do want to say something.  It's up to everyone to buy what part they want for their car and it's up to the person selling parts to charge "whatever" they want for a part regardless how they they got to that price.  I personally don't think that posting on this site your disagreement with the seller's price, I would talk to the seller and leave the rest of the SAAC community out of this conversation.                                                                   
Good luck with your search and I'am sure that Scott will continue to sell fabulous parts to the SAAC community.     
Quote from: Cjc6566 on November 23, 2020, 08:24:35 PM
I  would love a set and willing to pay in advance and contribute to tooling-


Cory James

I would also assist with some dollars if needed.  Doug C
Quote from: Cjc6566 on November 23, 2020, 08:24:35 PM
I  would love a set and willing to pay in advance and contribute to tooling-


Cory James

I would also assist with some dollars if needed.  Doug C
I would be interested as well.
Got mine in S. CA today but it's got to go in Quarantine for 14 days according to our governor before it can mingle with others.   
Quote from: Doug C on October 26, 2020, 10:17:35 PM

I am looking for an NOS cap if you know of one please PM me.  The one with the gold band, assembly line. Thanks Doug