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Messages - deathsled

The Lounge / Re: New Mustang S 650 spotted ?
April 13, 2022, 04:51:42 PM
They won't scrap it.  They have full committees designing cars these days instead of one visionary that designs a work of art.  Now it devolves to hurt feelings if anyone's idea is left off.  I am surprised cars do not look like EV porpoises at this point but no doubt will some day.
The Lounge / Re: Happy Lawyers Day
April 13, 2022, 12:47:16 PM
As in civil litigation?  I believe it was yesterday according to the Google.  Was it a good day for me yesterday?  As far as the law, no change.  As far as subscriber count on my horror channel, 93 now.  More than I ever thought possible.
The Lounge / Re: Happy Lawyers Day
April 13, 2022, 09:28:14 AM
Quote from: In The Doghouse on April 12, 2022, 10:28:29 PM
Oh, my!
LOL!  What were they thinking?  Or maybe they were thinking and the joke was on us.  You never know, given the 60s.  They never crossed the line but often they spat over the line.

This episode scared the crap out of me when I was 5 or 6 years old back in the 60s. (Salt Creature)
I dated and married women that turned out to be exactly that under the guise of beauty.  I am fortunate to still be alive. Lol!
Quote from: S7MS427 on April 12, 2022, 03:53:14 PM
Quote from: deathsled on April 12, 2022, 02:29:12 PM
March 22 is the Shatner b-day I believe. 

Deathsled, You believe correctly.  March 22nd is the day.  FWIW, fans have also assigned the same birthday to James T. Kirk.
I was of the belief early on that all of the main crew of the show should have been forcibly cloned so that we could have future episodes with them.  At a minimum Shatner, DeForest Kelley, Leonard Nimoy, Walter Koenig, Nichelle Nicoles and James Doohan. And George Takei.  (Maybe Takei's and Shatner's clones could be friends in an alternate reality.)  Some of them were cremated unfortunately.  But we can still harness Shatner's DNA whether he likes it or not.  I want more episodes!  Or, clone Shatner and create a clone when we actually have star ships and make him Captain.  That would be an amazing kick in the head for something like that to happen.
Quote from: Side-Oilers on April 12, 2022, 03:14:58 PM
I had lunch with Shatner at the Beverly Hills Four Seasons hotel about 20 years ago.  Was arranged by a mutual friend. I was in development with Warner Brothers on a dramatic TV series I'd written, and was interested in meeting Shatner to gauge his interest in starring. The show would feature fast cars as part of the storyline.

He was a nice and polite guy, and showed interest in the project. The funny part was when he tried to make a phone call from the table, to his assistant Robin.  Cell service, back then, was crappy in BH and the call kept dropping.

He finally got up from the table and, flip phone in hand (held out exactly like a Star Trek communicator) was walking around the restaurant repeatedly saying "Robin, come in. Robin, do you read me?"  It was classic.  Almost as good as if he'd asked her to beam him up. 

The TV series never got made, and that was the first and last time I saw Shatner. He was more interested in talking about his horses than he was in anything to do with cars. But, like I said, he was a nice guy.
That is a great story, Van!  Hilarious too with the communicator story.  I love it!
Quote from: S7MS427 on April 12, 2022, 08:00:40 AM
Growing up, Star Trek was my favorite TV show.  Like you, I would race to the TV to see it on Thursday and then Friday nights.  I was devastated when it got canceled.  The icing on the cake?  Shatner and I share the same birthday.

I just wish there were more episodes.  How sweet would it be if they uncovered a whole treasure trove of unaired episodes.  Like another 100 or so.
My dad worked with Shatner in the early 60s as a cameraman on a tv commercial or it was some talk show announcement of some show.  It was early 60s so not Star Trek related.  He doesn't recall what it was about.  My dad turned 94 last Sunday so he and Shatner are of a similar age.  March 22 is the Shatner b-day I believe. 
He is also the oldest man to have reached space. 
and possibly last time. I used to race to the TV to see Star Trek. The Original Series has aged well despite improvements in special effects over the decades.
The Lounge / Re: Scale Models Of Shelby & Ford Cars
April 11, 2022, 09:23:06 PM
Quote from: 98SVT - was 06GT on April 07, 2022, 11:15:03 PM
Quote from: honker on April 07, 2022, 04:24:07 PM
Here's some of my models of Ford GTs, I've got a few more since I took these seven photos, have yet to shoot them.

These are all 1:43s

Let's see what others here have in their collections !


Ok I want the breadwagon. Let me know a number. I have to keep my Red/Gold Hertz car since Richard won't sell me mine back........
To sell the red Hertz would be far worse than any divorce. It will be for sale in an estate sale I suspect. My estate. Who knows how long I have? Certainly not I.  Unless some financial disaster should befall me before I kick my air addiction. Or some such other disaster I would not see on final approach. So 843 will come on the market in time.
Chia Pet. Singularly cruel and brutally funny!
I'd keep the patina.
The Lounge / Re: Longest skid mark in the world?
April 06, 2022, 05:25:35 PM
Thanks for the explanation.  Initially I thought it might have been oil that the tires rolled across but that didn't make sense because of the lack of any other tires doing the same things and leaving similar markings on different parallel planes.  Still, one hell of a long skid mark.  Too bad it is not a single pair of rubber tire marks.  That would make for a better story.  I was out rollin' in mah 5.0 when a Camaro tried to race me. So I wound up the vicious Boss 302 and left a skin mark a quarter mile long.