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Should we remove members post counts from the forum?

Started by Bill, September 13, 2023, 06:22:00 AM

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Carefully go in and check each step in those pasted views above.  Then type in the forum/screen name of the person you wish to "mute".  It should autofill as you type it in.  Then read that screen carefully.  I don't have a way to "do over" right now but there was a step to doing it.  I then backed up to my "Profile" and went back in and the person I'd put in, did show up in the list of Ignore.
Now when I go to "recent posts", the threads/topics do show up.  However each of the people on the "Ignore" list, their posts shows up but it's simply a hot link that they are Muted and "Click here to see it". 
So you still see the post in lists and such, just not the actual post the muted person posted, unless you click to view.
Hope that helps. 
Pirating!  Corporate take-over without the paperwork


Quote from: gt350shelb on September 17, 2023, 09:27:40 PM
perhaps its time for forum 3.0  with real moderators . and no trolls

Just trying to increase my post count.  ;D


Moderator, please do your job and get rid of the troll, it's clear he needs to go.


Shelby owner since 1984
SAAC member since 1990
1970 GT350 4 speed(owned since 1985).
  MCA gold 2003(not anymore)
1969 Mach1 428SCJ 4 speed R-code (owned since 2013)
"2nd" owner of 68 GT500 #1626


No one should throw rocks in glass houses! It has been splained to me you have an equal addiction to nonsensical posts over at Bring a Trailer. :-[ Give it a break...


Quote from: 427heaven on September 19, 2023, 10:30:13 AM
No one should throw rocks in glass houses! It has been splained to me you have an equal addiction to nonsensical posts over at Bring a Trailer. :-[ Give it a break...
why not go and see how often I post. Here, I'll give you a link. 8 posts in the last 9 days so instead of being one of them throwing stones at people on "what you heard" get off your  a$$ and research before you attack.
do the math you will see my history is 1.8 posts a day over 6 years. Is that an addiction? I think not.
Shelby owner since 1984
SAAC member since 1990
1970 GT350 4 speed(owned since 1985).
  MCA gold 2003(not anymore)
1969 Mach1 428SCJ 4 speed R-code (owned since 2013)
"2nd" owner of 68 GT500 #1626


I am mostly a novice observer trying to learn more about these cars by watching the Forum daily. I also watch these cars on BaT and have bought a few on BaT. I am familiar with shelbymann1970 first by his Mustang specific comments on BaT and later on the Forum after I joined SAAC. He joins a long list of none bidders on BaT who are often criticized for commenting. However I have learned  so much from those who have shared. I follow their comments with research of my own. That's what fascinates and interests me. Personally nonsensical is not the word I would use to describe the comments from anyone in the group I mention. I will ignore anything I don't like but hope most of these comments continue.


If I may, I have been on forums, like most people here for over 15 years ranging from the mild like All Ford Mustangs and The Mustang Source to the more extreme like S197forum and Yellow Bullet. I think removing post counts is a +/- situation kinda. While all the regulars and those who are in the SAAC community know who the guys are with some great knowledge and information, most "newbies" or internet sleuths have no idea who any of you are. The post counts give a gauge of the knowledge or experience of an individual poster on certain topics and we can all debate on how correct that metric might be. For the supposed suspect I would say that the frequency of posting is less about spamming or trolling and more about sharing a passion and we have all seen how those who can be overexuberant and cross the line into annoying or unbearable. Without quoting every post, I think the idea of seeing unread threads is a great idea and I have done that multiple times in my years to see what topics interest me. Also, the issue brought up with making for-sale posts would still be triggered by post count, we just wouldn't see it on our side, but on the technical side, it would still exist. Also, as a moderator on other forums in the past, there is nothing that would cross the line with the suspected over-poster that would warrant removal. The nice thing is that in an age of forums dying as Facebook groups have become the norm, having someone continuously post and keep topics of discussion going, even if it is for a nonsense comment, still makes it look like a forum is more active than it might be. As a 35-year-old future Shelby owner, I came here looking for knowledge, and seeing that the forum is still alive and doing well is nice for me considering the forums that I frequented have died off I think this is a good thing to see an active forum, but I don't think removing the post count is going to solve the supposed problem, only make it harder for some people to help a stalker discern who is someone they should listen to when they run into a problem vs. who they shouldn't be listening to. I think the idea about SAAC members since XXXX might help with that and if people think are looking to create posts just to up an arbitrary number, I think that might be a good solution to the issue.

Quote from: OldGuy on September 13, 2023, 01:14:29 PM
There are many well-thought-out comments that have been submitted in a diplomatic manner. I personally feel that removing member post counts is a disservice to those whom I truly respect and consider the underpinnings of this forum and the technical knowledge/history of all things Shelby. Their post count should be even higher as far as I'm concerned.

On the other hand, I don't appreciate all the clutter (like what's happening in Florida every five minutes) that appears for no other apparent reason than to boost post count. I personally will not even open posts from repeat offenders as they serve no useful purpose, in my opinion. If I've offended a frequent Florida poster with my input, too bad. I chose to NOT be diplomatic with my comment. Sometimes the message gets buried.


As mentioned before, you can also block whoever you choose so you see fewer of those posts. I think if you could block certain regional posts, that would also be of benefit.

Sean W


we should pin this post to the top so it does not get removed again .
Some where some one is driving their collector car for the last time but they don't know it . Drive your car every time like it could be the last memory of it .


Quote from: gt350shelb on September 19, 2023, 10:18:12 PM
we should pin this post to the top so it does not get removed again .

^^^ DEFINITELY!  How do we do that?
2006 FGT, Tungsten. Whipple, HRE 20s, Ohlin coil-overs. Top Speed Certified 210.7 mph.

Kirkham Cobra 427.  482-inch aluminum side-oiler. Tremec 5-spd.

1968 GT500KR #2575 (1982-2022)
1970 Ranchero GT 429
1969 LTD Country Squire 429
1963 T-Bird Sport Roadster
1957 T-Bird E-model


Ask the moderator who is ignoring the post and trying to appease people, by saying "we will check into it"

He is the one that has the ability.
Check out

I'm looking for 9F02M480004. Have you seen it?

Peter L.

KR 4052
1969 Fairlane Cobra formal roof drag pack

Lincoln tech

PNDM === Post Numbers Don't Matter :)


Quote from: Coralsnake on September 20, 2023, 05:41:43 AM
Ask the moderator who is ignoring the post and trying to appease people, by saying "we will check into it"

He is the one that has the ability.

Nothing is gong to change.
68 GT350 Lives Matter!

Forum Guide

Thanks for all the feedback...points have been made.

.. cheap shots don't help things one bit.