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previous topic on 260 with hipo engine characteristics

Started by 68blk500c, September 14, 2022, 10:38:44 PM

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I tried searching, but am not finding this topic from this past year (I think).  Your help pointing me toward this information is most appreciated!


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Here's another search idea, if you know someone that posted in the thread you can often search their individual posts as its faster to find a specific post. Unless they are like me and post a ridiculous amount. 😉

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I'm looking for 9F02M480004. Have you seen it?

Dan Case

I have documented a lot more since the prior threads.  Some "260" engine and Cobra questions get messy answer wise because there were parts and practices by Ford's engineering and production departments, parts and practices by Shelby's works, parts and practices by Hugus' works, parts and practices by A.C. Cars' shop, and no telling what Holman-Moody did with CSX2009. The "260" engine section of my Cobra Engines commentary is around 16 pages and that does not include much about the racing 4-2V prototype and production Weber carburetor based racing details.

A simple question like cylinder head casting engineering number (all verified have been XE-10021 plus a log book serial number) is easy. What Ford carburetor spacer was used (a remachined  to modify an existing production part to suit a Ford 4100-A 1.12 size carburetor) is easy. Many others need qualifiers to go them beyond early or late (like two cars are known to have had such and such throttle linkage, one or two this kind, and all the rest this kind) depending on which shop finishing cars in which country did the work and when they did it. The main folder with the information collected when Bob Mannel did a reverse engineering study on unrestored mostly intact ex-Cobra engine XHP-260-4 for us takes up 3.6+GB of digital space with 1,863 files in 12 subfolders by major subjects and gets down to comparing actual measured cam shaft lobe profiles in charts. My slide show on mechanical fuel pumps used in Cobras has 30 pages covering the mechanical fuel pumps, fuel filters, and lines Cobras of the time 260 c.i.d. engines were used.
Dan Case
1964 Cobra owner since 1983, Cobra crazy since I saw my first one in the mid 1960s in Huntsville, AL.


Thank you, Pete and Dan.  I guessed that Dan was involved in the topic, know.

Dan Case

Quote from: 68blk500c on September 15, 2022, 10:23:04 PM
Thank you, Pete and Dan.  I guessed that Dan was involved in the topic, know.

You are welcome.
Dan Case
1964 Cobra owner since 1983, Cobra crazy since I saw my first one in the mid 1960s in Huntsville, AL.