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MCACN 2018

Started by Steve McDonald Formally known as Mcdonas, January 30, 2018, 04:43:47 PM

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Steve McDonald Formally known as Mcdonas

Anyone going or showing a car this year? I see that the 1968 Green Hornet is to be unveiled after a restoration
Owned since 1971, NOW DRIVEN OVER 250,000 MILES, makes me smile every time I drive it and it makes me feel 21 again.😎

Steve McDonald Formally known as Mcdonas

Anyone going to enter this year? I'll be there in the long term high mileage Invitational
Owned since 1971, NOW DRIVEN OVER 250,000 MILES, makes me smile every time I drive it and it makes me feel 21 again.😎

Steve McDonald Formally known as Mcdonas

Anyone else taking a car to MCACN this year?
Owned since 1971, NOW DRIVEN OVER 250,000 MILES, makes me smile every time I drive it and it makes me feel 21 again.😎


Steve, I'll be there but not with my car. I look forward to seeing you and your Hertz car again. Denny


I wonder if I should show the "red one."  I'm not far away from the place.  Maybe too late to enter.  Besides I would think the public would want to see concours and concours she ain't.
"Low she sits on five spoke wheels
Small block eight so live she feels
There she's parked beside the curb
Engine revving to disturb
She's the princess from his past
Red paint gold stripes damned she's fast"

Special Ed

I will be taking a drag pack convertible mustang.


I'll have 1615 there. It went completely underground into a 30 year hibernation after SAAC 11, so MCACN will be the first time it has been seen/shown in public since July 1986.

I look forward to reuniting with the Shelby Gang from SAAC 42 in Indy last year!


1966 GT350H owner since June 30, 1976



I'm looking forward to finally seeing your car in person, along with all the other beautiful cars there.  I was just hoping Nick might coordinate another dinner  night.  We can all stick him with the bill.
Brian R. Glover
SAAC Carolina's Northern Representative


Quote from: SFM66H on September 28, 2018, 01:29:19 AM
I'll have 1615 there. It went completely underground into a 30 year hibernation after SAAC 11, so MCACN will be the first time it has been seen/shown in public since July 1986.

I look forward to reuniting with the Shelby Gang from SAAC 42 in Indy last year!


Hi Keith, Gorgeous Hertz! How do you plan to get your car to the show? Do they allow drive in and show? I don't have a trailer therefore I would need to drive. Concern is possibility of inclement weather.
"Low she sits on five spoke wheels
Small block eight so live she feels
There she's parked beside the curb
Engine revving to disturb
She's the princess from his past
Red paint gold stripes damned she's fast"

Steve McDonald Formally known as Mcdonas

Wow, that's probably the best looking white Hertz Car I've ever seen.
Owned since 1971, NOW DRIVEN OVER 250,000 MILES, makes me smile every time I drive it and it makes me feel 21 again.😎

Steve McDonald Formally known as Mcdonas

Quote from: deathsled on September 27, 2018, 10:21:07 PM
I wonder if I should show the "red one."  I'm not far away from the place.  Maybe too late to enter.  Besides I would think the public would want to see concours and concours she ain't.

Mine is not even close to concours. It's a 3D car , distance, darkness and drunkenness makes anything look perfect 👌
Owned since 1971, NOW DRIVEN OVER 250,000 MILES, makes me smile every time I drive it and it makes me feel 21 again.😎


  Send in the entry form.  They can aways return it.  They're looking for any interesting muscle cars and yes, a high number are Concours correct, some aren't.  Also, you can opt out of judging, that costs even less.

  Note: high amount of folks show up Saturday morning t see the show.  By 2:00 PM, it is very easy the walk though and see everything, take photos without waiting for people to clear out, don't have to wait your turn to ask questions about the cars.  Later or on Sunday is better.
  The white w/gold striped GT350 H:  I'm sure I stared at that car back at SAAC 11.  It was my first attended SAAC convention.  Learned right then that all the H cars were not black and gold.  Cool


This year, I believe, the are looking for long term ownership of a Shelby or muscle car.  Kieth can elaborate on this better. 

Amazingly, Kieth has owned his Shelby since winning gold at SAAC 11!  What you may not know is that his car fell into a very deep slumber after getting some enchanted oil from an Evil Queen.  It was only after Kieth realized his car would be awakened by a kiss from his car's one true love that the spell was finally broken.  Now, with the help of Jim Cowles, the car is out and about to be show in public again for the first time in many years.  I'm just trying to figure out where Kieth had to kiss 1615 to make it happen.  :o
Brian R. Glover
SAAC Carolina's Northern Representative


Quote from: Steve McDonald Formally known as Mcdonas on June 01, 2018, 02:40:02 PM
Anyone going to enter this year? I'll be there in the long term high mileage Invitational
I only found out about a new class at this year's MCACN from my buddy Ruben ('67 #0022 & 6S030) in Texas called the "Long Term Owner's Classification." I would never have had the nerve to even try to enter my Hertz until I learned of this class. At over 42 years of ownership though, it met the 30 year minimum requirement for consideration.

Quote from: deathsled on September 28, 2018, 08:19:17 AM
Hi Keith, Gorgeous Hertz! How do you plan to get your car to the show? Do they allow drive in and show? I don't have a trailer therefore I would need to drive. Concern is possibility of inclement weather.
I have arranged for enclosed trailer transportation from local sources. And get this: from two car guys whom I had NEVER met before! True story. Other car guys helped me put the word out, and two great guys stepped forward. I had checked with Reliable Carriers etc., but I'm just too paranoid to have my car loaded up into some trailer a week or more before the show.

Re: If they allow a "drive in and show" - contact the Director, Bob Ashton, at and he will be able to answer any questions you may have. He's been fantastic with prompt correspondence. But it's almost October, so I'm not sure about the window of time left, not to mention the weather at that time of year...

1966 GT350H owner since June 30, 1976


Quote from: BGlover67 on September 28, 2018, 10:03:27 AM
Amazingly, Kieth has owned his Shelby since winning gold at SAAC 11!  What you may not know is that his car fell into a very deep slumber after getting some enchanted oil from an Evil Queen.  It was only after Kieth realized his car would be awakened by a kiss from his car's one true love that the spell was finally broken.  Now, with the help of Jim Cowles, the car is out and about to be show in public again for the first time in many years.  I'm just trying to figure out where Kieth had to kiss 1615 to make it happen.  :o

Actually Brian, I have owned my car for 10 years PRIOR to SAAC 11! I bought it at age 19 in 1976, and now I'm retired. How did that happen??

And Thanks are in order for an accomplishment of this magnitude. In order, since the beginning of my Shelby time, are:

Jim Cowles of Shelby Parts & Restoration in Green Bay. What else can I say about the ironic circumstance of being lucky enough to happen to live 4 miles from a guy with that amount of experience, knowledge, parts and connections? We have been friends since the mid 1970's. Thanks for all your help over the decades Jim, I couldn't have done it without you.

Brant Halterman of Virginia Classic Mustang. He has been helping me with parts, advice and technical questions since the early 1980's. I continue to marvel at a man like him, who is a VERY busy business owner, and yet who always takes the time to come to my aid whenever he is asked. I have not purchased enough parts from him over the decades to warrant the help he always provides me with, so I really can't explain it. I actually said to an employee of his one time, "Who does that?" She just said, "Brant does that." Amen.

Aaron Stauber, the owner of Big 3 Performance in Green Bay, and his main Shelby wrench, Jason Treptow. Aaron worked in high end shops prior to starting his own, and when I learned that he even used to work at Motion Products, Inc. (Neenah, WI) the world class Ferrari restoration facility here in the Fox Valley, I knew that I had found the place & the guy. Actually, the passing of the owner of MPI, Wayne Obry, at a very early age in 2016, was one of the main things that spurred me into resurrecting my car from its deep hibernation 2 years ago. Big 3 handled all the main aspects of the resurrection, including alignment, chassis dyno tuning, etc., etc. all while being hypersensitive careful of my Number 1 concern - the Wayne Obry paint job.

Dan Hoefler of Custom Precision Services in Kaukauna, WI. I actually learned of him from another friend I that reconnected with at Wayne's funeral in 2016. He said you HAVE to meet "this guy." The first time I met him, my jaw just dropped. And it drops every single time I go to his one-man-shop. I go on record as saying he is the most incredible man I have ever met. I have never known anyone with his knowledge, experience, skill, talent and willingness. His machine shop is equipped to handle every aspect of engine, transmission and rear end rebuilding, plus any other machining, fabrication, restoration or invention task. I will gladly put you in touch with him if you contact me. 
1966 GT350H owner since June 30, 1976