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Please unlock my Poker Chip Thread so I can defend myself

Started by tesgt350, June 01, 2021, 01:07:36 PM

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Please unlock my Poker Chip Thread so I can defend myself because CSX4005LA is full of CRAP.  Hawk's Friends IS a 501(c)3 that I fill out 990's on.  Look up my number, 83-1352360, it is on my Web Site as well as  "N18 000007860".  As far as my Campaign for County Commissioner is concerned, I myself have been the ONLY one contributing to that for now as well as the Nonprofit that I started, I am paying to have the Chips made out of my own Pocket to get this started.  Everything is kept separate, I am not sure where you get the 50% from.  Once this starts to move, I do plan on using the money to replenish the Chips.  I am doing everything I can to raise Money for the Nonprofit with OUT using Government Money like the others do.  For you to make those Statements with OUT knowing anything is just plane ignorant of you and makes YOU out to be an ASS&%#@ in my Book.  I work hard at everything I do and I an very Honest about it.  I am not sure what you have against me wanting to help local Veterans in my area and I feel sorry for you. 

As far as the Race Track and the Golf Course, YES, I still want to build those and someday in the Future I at least want to build the Golf Course.   At least I have Dreams.   

Tired Sheep

Did you also do Shelby stripe kits a while back?

These seem like very ambitious plans, best of luck!

It wasnt clear to me, but Hawks Friends is your organization? So its like you are donating  to yourself?

Are you using licensed counselors?

Your homeless "prison" camp and policing ideas are interesting. Not realistic, IMHO, but interesting.

Asking for a friend


Quote from: Tired Sheep on June 01, 2021, 02:34:37 PM
Did you also do Shelby stripe kits a while back?

These seem like very ambitious plans, best of luck!

It wasnt clear to me, but Hawks Friends is your organization? So its like you are donating  to yourself?

Are you using licensed counselors?

Your homeless "prison" camp and policing ideas are interesting. Not realistic, IMHO, but interesting.

Asking for a friend

A while back I was Licensed by Carroll Shelby to produce the "Tribute Edition Shelby" Graphics Packages.

I founded Hawks Friends and it IS a 501(c)3 and I will NOT be receiving ANY Pay or Bonuses and neither will the other Board Members.  It is new and it is tough getting it off the ground and the pandemic did not help one bit.  I have a full time Job so I am doing just fine. 

It is Peer To Peer Counselling (like AA is).  I do have a couple of Friends that are Counselors that said they will be happy to donate their time when I get it up and running.

My idea for our Homeless is NOT like a Prison Camp.  It is like a Military Boot Camp like when I was in Boot Camp.  They come and go as they wish.  They need a place to stay on a Bus Route with an address so they can collect their Benefits, get cleaned up, go on Job interviews and hopefully get their lives back on track.  There are a LOT of Homeless not able to get their Benefits because they are Homeless  With all the $Millions our local City & County Commissioners are spending on the Homeless, there is not much to show for it.  I wish to change that why is that a bad thing?

Here is a direct web link to it  I am proud of trying to get this off the ground WITHOUT using Government Money, but I may have to go that route anyway.


And now he's selling coins to fund a movie production studio.   It's all on the web site.   There is a difference between "dreams" and "pipe dreams".  Nothing has ever come of any of his ventures, yet he continues to collect money for new ones all the time.  I have dreams too, but I don't beg for money from people in the guise of charity to support them.  Donations for a movie?  Come on, get real.   

This venture needs more money to get off its foot than you will ever raise with poker chip sales, and sustaining any meaningful venture is way  beyond your attention span.  Meanwhile, where does the dgo?

He's been doing this for a long time and we have never ever seen any results.  The statement:

  Once this starts to move, I do plan on using the money to replenish the Chips. 

Is where the truth lies.  Have any of your ventures EVER "moved"?  Until then, what?  Where does the money go to?  A trust account?     Show us.

If this was taken seriously you'd have a whole bunch of people and money in your local area behind you.  Where is their support?    You'd think they'd "be on it like a hawk on a snake"  (Pun intended).

Yet your ventures never raise enough money to get anything really going because you seem to try to fundraise in car forums and facebook but never in your local area which is where the most benefit goes.  Where does the money go???  Show us trust account balances.

Otherwise, it's a scam.   Sorry, but I'll call it like I see it.

Show us audited results.  For this and all the previous incarnations. 

Meanwhile, I hope the moderators of this forum see through it more than the Team Shelby people who let it get out of control. 

Hey, if you want to buy a $5 poker chip, have at it.  But don't expect that anything real will ever be done with your money.  His track record shows it.

The Team Shelby forum tolerated this because they weren't the main stream Shelby folks.  This same post was removed a few days ago from the Team Shelby facebook page where the real corporate moderators do care. They don't want to be associated with it in any way, shape or form. 


Quote from: CSX4005LA on June 01, 2021, 03:28:29 PM
And now he's selling coins to fund a movie production studio.   It's all on the web site.   There is a difference between "dreams" and "pipe dreams".  Nothing has ever come of any of his ventures, yet he continues to collect money for new ones all the time. 

He's been doing this for a long time and we have never ever seen any results. 

It's a scam.

Sorry, but I'll call it like I see it.

Show us audited results.

Meanwhile, I hope the moderators of this forum see through it more than the Team Shelby people who let it get out of control.

To fund the Short Film, I am selling Challenge Poker Chips, NOT Coins.  When it comes time to do one of the full Length Films, THEN I will be selling Challenge Coins.  I wrote 15 Screenplays and am wanting to produce a few of them. 

HAWKS FRIENDS is only a couple years old and I only have to fill out 990's.

Sorry I wasn't born into Money like you must have been but I have to work for what I have and I do give back.

I have done a LOT for a long time that YOU have never seen results from.  I have put on many Car Shows in the past to raise Money for Charities.  I have put on the "Monday Night Mustangs at Hooters for 14 Years that cost ME Money.  I have put on many "Super Cruise's" over the Years that have cost ME Money as well as the Mini-Cruises, all done because it was something I wanted to do ant thought others would enjoy them to and guess what, they DID.  And here I am trying something new, something I have thought about for years and am in a position to go for it and YOU just want to crap on it because why? I have NEVER scammed anyone in my life and never will, I have so much Pride for that.

Tired Sheep

QuoteHelping Our Homeless

We know it needs to be on a Bus Route therefor there are few places to choose from. I say take that $10 Million Dollars to be used for the NE Part and use it to buy several Acres on Tram Road (inside Cap. Cir.) or on Spring Hill Road (inside Cap. Cir.) and build 8 to 10 large Quonset Huts. 6 to 8 of then are to be like Bootcamp Barracks and the rest used for a Mess Hall, Laundry, Showers, etc. Nothing fancy, just the basics. Fence the area off and set rules. You run it like you would an Army Base. To maintain the Property and Buildings, Cooking and Cleaning, you assign Jobs to those staying there that are able to do them. Doing this will give them time to get cleaned up, get the help they need and hopefully find a Job. It will also give them an Address to they can receive their Benefits, especially since many of them are Veterans.

Hmm....sounds like a prison to me? It also fails to address the root causes of homelessness...mental health and drug abuse. Most homeless people can not and will not conform to government assistance because of these obstacles. There is a lot more to homelessness that simply not having a home. Just my experience.

Best of luck


And he's changing the focus from veterans to homeless, but not to just homeless veterans.

So I'll summarize my fears and concerns:

1.  Hawkins' historic attention span means this won't get anywhere. 
2.  Even if he continues, the amount of money raised from all the poker chips he's described is not enough to start or sustain this kind of service.
3.  It will take forever to sell them because of the limited market. (Even if he collected from every GT350, GT500, Cobra owner, there still wouldn't be enough money to start AND SUSTAIN this venture.)
4.  So, where does the money go in the meantime?


1.  If you want a $5 poker chip with your car on it, have at it.  It's maybe an OK deal.  It might be about cost.  At best half of that goes to the purpose of the charity that will, by his track record, never be fully realized. 
2.  If you really want to make a difference in veterans, homeless or homeless veterans, make your $5 donation closer to home.   Why support Florida when there are people that need help in your own back yard.  And $5 at home is probably closer to $4 for the real purpose (and many will be 100%).


OK, David, here's a chance to redeem yourself.

Post the audited results of your 501c3 corp.  Or links to them.  They should show what you've collected and what you've disbursed.

It is impossible for me to think of funding a "charity startup". But maybe others can wrap their head around it.    The money from these chips doesn't help anyone except to put some unknown, but in all likelihood, insufficent, funds into a bank account.  It's a startup.  Noone is benefitting from these yet.

Even then, the track record of the startup team matters.  You've been at this kind of thing for a very long time.  My guess is you first tried it on Team Shelby close to 8 or 9 years ago, maybe 10 or more.   What is the status of any or all of them?   Has any one of them ever delivered what it was supposed to?  Is any one of them still in existence?   Charity or not, doesn't matter.  Show us one that met its goals and still exists.   The most successful entrepreneurs will start a venture and once it is successfully running hand it to the management team and move on.  Where are your successes?  Just one will go a long way to helping your credibility. 

Spend charity money in your own zip code!!!


Quote from: CSX4005LA on June 01, 2021, 04:20:36 PM
OK, David, here's a chance to redeem yourself.

Post the audited results of your 501c3 corp.  Or links to them.  They should show what you've collected and what you've disbursed.

It is impossible for me to think of funding a "charity startup". But maybe others can wrap their head around it.    The money from these chips doesn't help anyone except to put some unknown, but in all likelihood, insufficent, funds into a bank account.  It's a startup.  Noone is benefitting from these yet.

Even then, the track record of the startup team matters.  You've been at this kind of thing for a very long time.  My guess is you first tried it on Team Shelby close to 8 or 9 years ago, maybe 10 or more.   What is the status of any or all of them?   Has any one of them ever delivered what it was supposed to?  Is any one of them still in existence?   Charity or not, doesn't matter.  Show us one that met its goals and still exists.   The most successful entrepreneurs will start a venture and once it is successfully running hand it to the management team and move on.  Where are your successes?  Just one will go a long way to helping your credibility. 

Spend charity money in your own zip code!!!

YES, it's a Start up, why is THAT a problem for you?  To date, I haven't collected ANYTHING yet and the only disbursements have been out of my own Pocket.  Like I said, it is only a couple Years old and the Pandemic hit and I am NOT getting or seeking any Government Funding yet so I am doing the Challenge Poker Chips and Challenge Coins.  This Nonprofit is NOT one that will be raising $100's of Thousands of Dollars, just $10's of Thousands of Dollars a Year because it doesn't require that much. 

As far as other ventures, the only thing I was truly working on back that far was Mustang F/X and once the 5 Year Contract ended, I pretty much dabbled in other Graphics Kits and did pretty good with my other designs until the Shop I was using closed as did the second Shop so I Idled it.  Still design kits for my personal Cars though. 

My future plans are still doing a Golf Course and a special Restaurant, both Ideas I have had for over a Decade along with many others.  In Fact, I own over 30 Domain Names for future Business Ideas that I have.  I have even sold a few Business ideas,  not sure what happened to them because the buyers are in other States.  I even have a few Games that I have Invented and will be looking for Licensing deals sometime in the future, not in a hurry.  I will not fill sorry because I am doing what I am doing.   

As far as credibility goes, I have plenty of it.  I know who you are and you're the last person I care to worry about impressing.  You rarely have anything nice to say about anyone that is not in your Class.  I'm going to leave it at that.


So, no successes, no audited results, lots of unfulfilled dreams and money going to a black hole. 

A "start up charity" with no published goals for delivery and little hope for sustainability?    Surely thou jests.

I'll leave it at that too.  Your track record speaks for itself.  People now have enough information to make an informed decision.  Hopefully they will keep their donations local where they will do the most good.

PS.  Games sounds like a good way to focus and make a name for yourself without trying to sell others on your unachievable dreams.  Good luck with those.

98SVT - was 06GT

Just saying...........
Carroll Shelby's Children's Foundation Pays Out Bupkis
By Robert Farago on July 23, 2007
Automotive News writes that Carroll Shelby's Children's Foundation– set-up in 2002 after The Man's heart switch– has doled-out less than one percent of its $2.9m stash. (The money is supposed to help children who need organ transplants.) The revelation is bound to embarrass FoMoCo, as The Glass House Gang have provided four new Shelby vehicles for Carrol's charity to raffle and auction. It could also reduce the Foundation's ability to raise funds, as donors learn that their money's destined for a charitable parking lot. Although there are no implications of financial impropriety, and the Foundation now promises to "professionalize," it is worth mentioning that the Texas legend hasn't donated a single dime to his own cause. 

It's easy to start a 501c3. Many large charities spend more on fund raising (and paying board members) than the purpose of their charity. Small local feel good ones while started with the best of intentions don't seem to last or get much done. When they fold their assets are required to be sent to another non profit.
For lack of a better description I define the Catalina Island Conservancy as one of the biggest non profit scams going. The entire Island of Santa Catalina (except the city of Avalon) is owned by the Conservancy. The Conservancy is a non profit started by the Wrigley (chewing gum) family who owned the island. It oversees all the roads, tours, anchorage outside Avalon harbor, etc. At the end of the year they take the profits and divide it up between the board members as their salary for serving on the board. All legal and above board but no property tax or corporate tax only personal income tax on the money each board member gets.
Previous owner 6S843 - GT350H & 68 GT500 Convert #135.
Mine: GT1 Mustang, 1998 SVT 32V, 1929 Model A Coupe, Wife's: 2004 Tbird
Member since 1975 - priceless


Quote from: 67 GT350 on June 01, 2021, 08:08:40 PM
Seems like a nice way to raise some money.

Not taking sides here, but this went for 65K, 100% went to Make-A-Wish in a very down auction market in the spring of 2007
Instead of being part of the problem, be part of a successful solution.

Corey Bowcutt


I received my chip.  Thank you very much.  It is really very cool.



Quote from: Corey Bowcutt on June 03, 2021, 11:00:15 AM

I received my chip.  Thank you very much.  It is really very cool.


Thanks, Love the Car, cool backdrop.