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Topics - Chris Thauberger

The Lounge / NHL First female assistant coach
July 04, 2024, 09:19:13 PM
Jessica Campbell will become the first woman to work on the bench of an NHL franchise after the Seattle Kraken hired her as an assistant coach Wednesday.

Campbell has spent the past two seasons working as an assistant coach for Seattle's AHL affiliate in Coachella Valley alongside head coach Dan Bylsma, who was hired in late May to take over the head job with the Kraken. There were immediate questions about whether Campbell would be making the move with Bylsma to Seattle.

She will, breaking through another barrier for women in hockey. Emily Engel-Natzke was hired by the Washington Capitals in 2022 as video coach, making her the first woman with a full-time assistant role in the league.

The 32-year-old native of Rocanville, Saskatchewan, was the first full-time female assistant coach in the AHL when she was hired by Coachella Valley before the start of its first season. She also had a one-game stint as an assistant on the Kraken bench for a pre-season game against Calgary last September.
The Lounge / Suggested Forum Improvements
June 20, 2024, 09:56:34 PM

I just finished rereading The future of the SAAC and thought it might be appropriate to see where we landed.

Ok here we go. I thought it might be helpful for Ron(computerworks) if everyone was to make a suggestion of something they would like to see add or improve on the forum. Let's not get into a long winded discussion just give me a suggestion in 20 word or less, give or take.

Examples might be something like "I would like to see more emoticons added" or "can we add a weather widget in the banner so we always know the temperature in Florida"

Please keep it brief. You can post as may suggestions as you like but only one suggestion per post please.
The Lounge / Its a good day...
May 31, 2024, 02:09:22 PM
at least nobody died today... man they we dropping like flies there for while...
The Lounge / Happy Cinco de mayo
May 04, 2024, 05:52:23 PM
The Lounge / Happy May the 4th
May 02, 2024, 11:15:34 AM
I'm getting an early start...  ;D  ;D...  May the 4th be with you

The Lounge / Thanks Ron
March 06, 2024, 07:34:33 PM

Might as well remove this one too. I'm sure someone will take offense.
The Lounge / 1968 fibreglass hood value
November 29, 2023, 10:12:37 AM
What's the going rate on a good used 68 hood these days?
The usual minor flaws, no major damage no accident

Thanks Chris
The Lounge / Shelby Center cap
August 03, 2023, 07:57:04 AM
Came across this at a swap meet. I've never seen one before. Thoughts? Aftermarket? Original?
I am posting this article in an effort to assist other in understanding some behavioural issues that are present on this forum.

Some of you will not be interested in this subject. Please feel free to move along, no participation is required. Additionally there is no need to single out anyone individually as this only exasperates the issue.

I present this material for referance use only. Think of it as a service manual. Additional references are located here

People with strong narcissistic, sociopathic, and psychopathic tendencies (hereafter narcissists) are unwilling or unable to resolve conflicts or participate in discussion in a healthy, mature manner.

Now, it's worth noting that not everyone who doesn't know how to build sound arguments, isn't familiar with logical fallacies, or doesn't know how to resolve conflicts is a narcissist. However, a regular, well-intentioned person is usually genuinely willing to become better at it. Meanwhile, a narcissistic person wants to win, dominate, and get what they want, oftentimes at the expense of other people's well-being.

As someone who has been fascinated by and studied philology (i.e., language), psychology, and argumentation for most of my adult life, I've seen thousands of good and bad examples in various scenarios and everything in between. Most people, however, are not knowledgeable in these disciplines and therefore may become easily confused, frustrated, intimidated, or shocked when they encounter certain toxic tactics commonly used by narcissists and other manipulators.

And so in this article we will explore some typical techniques a narcissist uses in conflicts and similar social situations.

1. Arguing in bad faith

When in disagreement, a common person tries to understand the other party, listen to them, be honest, and make sure they understand where others are coming from. Sure, sometimes people can slip and become too upset or too anxious. But generally that's the unwritten guideline.

Narcissists on the other hand argue in what is sometimes referred to as bad faith. It means that they don't even care about, or try to understand, the other person. Or even worse, they are dedicated to deliberately misunderstanding and mischaracterizing others, often to the point of absurdity.

They are willingly dishonest, deceptive, and morally corrupt. Often while at the same time quick to accuse others of being dishonest, deceptive, and morally corrupt (more on that in #5).

2. Fallacies, nonsense, word salad

Narcissists are often ill-equipped to have mature discussions or resolve conflicts yet in their mind they are experts at it. As a result, they often use some terms, arguments, or techniques that they've heard about yet don't really understand, all while thinking that they are being rational, reasonable, or correct. Sometimes to the degree that they become extremely upset or even aggressive that you are being irrational, unreasonable, uneducated, and unwilling or unable to have a mature conversation.

Meanwhile in reality, what they're saying is simply an incoherent rant or an amalgamation of logical and argumentation fallacies, misrepresentation of you, factual errors, emotional language, or pure nonsense (as in something that literally makes no sense). In more extreme cases it is called word salad, as in a mix of words that are just thrown together with no coherence or structure.

3. Provoking, bullying, intimidating

Since a narcissist's goal is to dominate and be perceived as right at all costs, they often use aggression. This category involves the more overtly aggressive tactics commonly used by narcissists.

Such methods include provoking, bullying, and intimidating, where the narcissist picks on you, calls you names, yells, acts overly emotional, deliberately tries to hurt you, blatantly lies, threatens, or even physically aggresses against you.

Not only that, then they spin it around by presenting it as if by reacting to it or by ignoring them you are the one who's unreasonable, too emotional, and aggressive against them.

4. Lying, denying, changing definitions

Here, in order to "win," the narcissist uses more covert tactics.

Sometimes they lie about what happened, what you or they did and didn't do, or even about what's real and factually true. Often to the degree of pure denial and delusion. An attempt to confuse the other person and make them doubt their experiences or reality by lying about it is called gaslighting.

Another method that falls in this category is redefining to suit their narrative. For that purpose, they are keen on using euphemistic language or redefining commonly used words to fit their narrative when it clearly doesn't. Again, the goal is to justify that what they are doing is good and what they are saying is right, even when it clearly isn't.

Sometimes it means reframing or minimizing their toxic behavior to confuse you. For instance, "I didn't yell at you, I was just passionate." Or, "This is not abusive or manipulative, I'm just being assertive and honest."

5. Deflecting, attacking, projecting

A painfully common tactic used by narcissists is deflect and attack.

Here, the goal is to shift attention from what the narcissist is saying and doing to what you are saying and doing, where they never have to take responsibility for their toxic behavior or address anything you're saying.

If you bring something up that you don't like or find to be untrue and problematic, instead of addressing it or taking responsibility for it, they will quickly deflect and go into attack mode. This means they will use their toxic tactics to quickly shift attention from themselves and bring up something that you may or may not have said or done. Often to the degree where they try to always keep you on the defense by accusing you of all sorts of stuff, some of which includes the things they are actually doing themselves (narcissistic projection).

And if you make a mistake of actually trying to address it, you will get distracted from the initial issue and soon become overwhelmed by all the stuff that now you are expected to address and clarify. And do so to a person who doesn't care about understanding you and is dedicated to mischaracterizing you in order to dominate and "win an argument."

6. Involving others and acting out revenge fantasies

Narcissists have extremely fragile egos and a shaky sense of self-esteem. If you actually stand up for yourself and don't play their games, they perceive it as humiliation, as you being unfair, even abusive to them. In their eyes, you are being unreasonable because you don't acknowledge that they are superior, right, and all around wonderful people. They find it terribly offensive, and feel shame, injustice, and rage (narcissistic injury).

To regulate their overwhelming emotions, they often try to receive false validation. This means looking for people who would side with them and tell them that you are wrong and evil and they are right and good. It involves lying, smearing, slandering, triangulating, gossiping, stalking, and other forms of social aggression and manipulation.

Summary and final words

In a social interaction, discussion, or argument, regular, well-meaning people treat others with curiosity, empathy, and good faith. A narcissist, on the other hand, sees interaction as a win-lose situation. To "win," they try to dominate, bully, deceive, demean, humiliate, and hurt others.

For that, they use certain common and predictable tactics that include but are not limited to arguing in bad faith, lying, denying, deflecting and attacking, gaslighting, and intimidating. If and when they feel they have lost or were wronged, they will try to intimidate you further and manipulate others in order to hurt you personally and socially. Sometimes while accusing you of it at the same time.

Engaging with a person who uses these tactics is fruitless, frustrating, boring, and predictable. Yet someone who is not quite familiar with it may think, "But if only I explained myself better..." Or, "But if only I presented my argument better..." Or, "But if only they could understand where I'm coming from..." But if only....

Yet they're not interested in, and often not even capable of, that. They don't care about sound arguments, honesty, empathy, curiosity, or win-win resolutions. They might claim that they are all about that, but if you look at how they act it's evident that they are not.

NOS in the box. Box has seen better days.


Thanks  Chris

New in the boxes (falling apart) set of Lucas driving lights.

These are Foreign glass and thus not assembly line (concours) correct.


The Lounge / ....ahhh the good old days
April 07, 2020, 02:57:40 PM
Is it just me or was the forum almost calm over the last few days? What changed?
New in the box.

Not sure if anyone here watched the New David Spade show.

Spotted this on the shelf behind him the other night.

Look like the CoralSnake

The Lounge / SAAC 45 Concours
November 10, 2019, 06:03:49 PM
Just wondering if anyone is planning to enter a car in Concours this coming convention.
The Lounge / Basketball
June 13, 2019, 11:54:22 PM
Toronto Raptors... discuss...
