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Topics - computerworks

We still need a few more folks to help out on Saturday morning at the Car Show

Approx 8 - 10 am, to help with load-in, parking, etc.

If you would like to help for a few hours (or more) to make this event run smoothly...
Send an email to  ...and note "SAAC-49 VOLUNTEER" in the subject line
Please include your cell number
SAAC-49 / SAAC-49 Event Schedule
July 15, 2024, 07:09:54 AM

SAAC-49 / SAAC-49 Open Track Schedule
July 15, 2024, 06:58:24 AM

Thursday, July 25
8:00- 8:20 Advanced/Green Group
8:25- 8:45 Novice/Red Group
8:50- 9:10 Advance/Green Group
9:15- 9:35 Novice Red Group
9:40- 10:00 Advance/Green Group
10:05- 10:25 Novice/Red Group
10:30- 10:45 Advanced/Green Group
10:45- 11:00 Novice/Red Group
11:00- 11:30 Parade Group A
11:30- 12:00 Parade Group B

Friday, July 26
 8:00- 8:20 Advanced/Green Group
 8:20- 8:40 Intermediate/Yellow Group
 8:40- 9:00 Novice Red Group
 9:00- 9:20 Advanced/Green Group
 9:20- 9:40 Intermediate/Yellow Group
 9:40- 10:00 Novice/Red Group
10:00- 10:20 Advanced/Green Group
10:20- 10:40 Intermediate/Yellow Group
10:40- 11:00 Novice/Red Group
11:00- 11:20 Advanced/Green Group
11:20- 11:40 Intermediate/Yellow Group
11:40- 12:00 Novice/Red Group
12:00- 12:30 Parade Group A
12:30- 1:00 Parade Group B
SAAC-49 / Go-Karts at SAAC-49
July 14, 2024, 12:28:28 PM
Grab some friends and book some laps at the Go-Kart track at New Jersey Motorsports Park!

SAAC-49 / SAAC-49 New Hotel Info
July 11, 2024, 01:14:09 PM
 These two hotels have advised us that they will extend the SAAC Group rate for one more week...
...right up until the start of the event.

398 Smith Street, Vineland, New Jersey

Wingate by Wyndham Vineland/Millville
2196 West Landis Ave, Vineland, New Jersey
SAAC-49 / SAAC-49 Keynote Speaker
July 07, 2024, 11:00:45 AM
The SAAC Dinner and Evening Program is one of the highlights of our convention.
SAAC is happy to announce that the Keynote Speaker at this year's convention will be Tom Cotter, also known as "The Barn Find Hunter."
Tom's engaging talk will take place just after the SAAC Dinner on Friday July 26th 2024

Tom is a long-time friend of SAAC and a well-known figure in the automotive world, particularly for his expertise in locating and restoring "barn find" vehicles. He has been involved in the car restoration industry for over 50 years.
He is also an accomplished author, having written several books about barn finds, including "The Cobra in the Barn: Great Stories of Automotive Archaeology."

Tom has prepared an amazing presentation with details of his experiences...some of these details have never been made public.

Now that we have been able to re-open dinner ticket sales with our new, larger facility... don't miss this chance for an entertaining evening of automotive lore.

Due to popular demand, we are exceeding our available space at the Officers Club at New Jersey Motorsports Park for the Friday Dinner.
As such, we have decided to change the location for the SAAC Dinner and Evening Program to the Savoy Inn, located in Vineland New Jersey. 

It is about 20 minutes from the track and near the hotels.

Merighi's Savoy Inn, 4940 Landis Ave, Vineland, NJ 08360

News from HQ / Vintage Convention Photos WANTED
June 25, 2024, 12:15:00 PM
I knocked on that locked door of the Studio on the top floor of SAAC HQ...
No one opened it, but I heard the rapid clickity-clack of keys on a keyboard.
Suddenly a hand written note was slipped to me,  under the door.

I will post it here...

Wanted: Photos

Photos taken at:
---SAAC-7 (Great George,1982),
---SAAC-8 (Dearborn, 1983),
---SAAC-9 (Anaheim, 1984).

Will be used in a book I am working on about the history of SAAC.
Please send Jpegs by e-mail, no more than 5 at a time, to: 

Great opportunity to get a picture of your car in a major publication.
Fame and fortune await – start practicing your autograph.

Thanks in advance.  Rick Kopec

PLEASE drop a quick reply to this thread if you have sent an email with photos to Rick...thanks
SAAC-49 / Call for Volunteers – SAAC-49
June 22, 2024, 01:09:12 PM
Call for Volunteers – SAAC-49

Pitch in to help make SAAC-49 a success....

You all know our conventions need a foundation of helpful volunteers who want to make the best experience possible.
There are many areas that use our folks to administer and organize...
...Taking tickets, checking credentials, helping setup and tear down, etc.

Paddock / Load-in Wednesday Afternoon
Registration- Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Logistics - setup and tear down
Thursday Team Shelby Dinner Program
Friday Tour / Simeone Museum
Friday SAAC Dinner Program
Parade Laps
Car Show
Paddock / Golf Carts / Swap Area

If you would like to help for a few hours (or more) to make the event run smoothly...
Send an email to  ...and note "SAAC-49 VOLUNTEER" in the subject line
Please include your cell number and any area of preference

Please note the days and times you are available and a feature preference, if necessary.


News from HQ / We are LIVE on the new server
April 08, 2024, 01:12:39 PM
We are LIVE on the new server.

You can access at:

Be sure you see the ROUND SAAC logo on your tab...

...if not. clear your browser cache and try again.

ADD "SAACFORUM issue" to the subject line.
Attention: a notice to all SAAC Forum users:

We are preparing for a major upgrade and migration of SAAC Forum to a new server.
This will consist of freezing the Forum and closing it down for a final backup.
Then, there will be a migration to our new server that currently hosts

The plan is to shut the Forum down at approximately 3:00 PM on Sunday (tomorrow) April 7th.
The transfer will be done overnight and the software will be tested on Monday.

If the migration is successful, we should be back up and running by Monday evening, with the same data and a new look.

Your login and password should NOT be impacted; simply login to the new version.

The NEW login button will be in the Upper Left of the home page. requests will be automatically redirected to the new server location.

If you are in the middle of any transactions or you have data / images that are critical for you, please capture and download them before tomorrow at 3:00 PM.

We hope the migration is one hundred percent but in case of a problem, it may take longer for us to finish the move.

We should gain the benefit of integration with, as well as a speed improvement...  And certainly we will bring the Forum software up to the latest version.

Thanks for your patience.

The latest issue of The Shelby American, Spring 2024, is online in the Members Only website

.. another  fantastic issue for the Members.

THIRTEEN great articles...  ...take a look:

SAAC-49 / SAAC-49 Hotel Info
March 04, 2024, 10:02:10 PM
Many have requested info about hotel(s) for SAAC-49.

Things are a little different this year. First, there is no single hotel in the area large enough for us.
Thus, we have contracted with several hotels for Convention rates.

Hotel contact information and the Shelby Convention hotel discount codes will be emailed to you upon your completed registration.
Be sure to use the discount code for significant savings on the cost of the hotel(s).
Ask a Registrar / NEW Registrar e-mail addresses
February 11, 2024, 11:46:00 AM
We have created new email addresses for our Registrars, for uniformity and convenience,

Their existing addresses will still reach them, but these addresses will be the preferred way.




News from HQ / SAAC 2023 Sweepstakes - Homestretch
December 10, 2023, 11:42:02 AM
Hey SAAC Forum,
We're a few hours away from the end of our 2023 Sweepstakes. Please share this post and let's see if we can really drive this home!
Thank you,
We've rounded the last corner and are heading full-throttle down the straight. The tower is waiving the checkered flag. There's only a few hours left to enter the 2023 SAAC Sweepstakes!
We've had an absolute blast getting the car ready and showing it off all summer long but now it's time to hand over the keys. It's your turn to drive! Someone has to win - and it could be you! Trust us, there's nothing quite like the feeling of driving a Carroll Shelby Centennial Edition Supercharged 2023 Shelby Mustang.
So this is it, your very last chance. Why not take a leap of faith and enter the sweepstakes today? Thank you for your consideration, and we wish you the very best of luck.

The Shelby American Automobile Club


SAAC-49 / Announcing SAAC-49
November 20, 2023, 12:27:40 PM
The Shelby American Automobile Club is proud to announce that SAAC 49 will be held at New Jersey Motorsports Park.
July 25th-27th 2024.
We will once again be partnering up with our friends from Team Shelby.
Open track will be run on the 2.25 mile Thunderbolt Raceway.
More details will be communicated via email as well as on our web site they become available.
SCAM ALERT - Notice for ALL members

We have been aware of a particular SCAM that has been prevalent on enthusiast forums and Facebook groups,
mostly in areas for enthusiasts with requests for "Wanted to Buy."

I've recently been made aware of these potential SCAMS occurring on our forum several times in the past few weeks.

The way this game works is ---> a poster is contacted about his request for parts, usually through a private message,
and is told to contact another individual who is "known" to have the parts that are wanted.

This friendly "referral" by a "good samaritan" is meant to add credibility to the advice.

The message may look like this" "I recently purchased some items from XXXXX , he's willing to sell..."

The SCAMMER will then give the email of the contact who supposedly has the parts in question.

Also, look for obvious grammar and spelling errors in the message as an additional red flag

NOTE - it appears that the referred email ALWAYS has the format--->a generic first+last name + 3 or 4

We have seen the referred name to be a stranger... OR even the name of another forum member, but with the bogus email address.

This is not a new SCAM, but one that is relatively new to our Forum

BE smart, BE alert

"Trust, but verify"
ALWAYS verify the seller and the actual existence of the parts.
Use Facetime or Video Chat to validate the items
Ask for a "hostage" photo that shows the item and indicates the current date.

Remember, emails with a format "first+last name + 3 or 4" can be a burner, free, throwaway email addresses

and... always report ANY suspicious activity to us!
SAAC-48 / Call for Volunteers - SAAC-48
July 06, 2023, 04:23:19 PM

Looking for folks to step up and help at SAAC-48 / Pittrace

You all know our conventions are built on a foundation of helpful volunteers who want to make it the best experience possible.
There are many areas that use our folks to administer and organize... Taking tickets, checking credentials, helping setup and tear down, etc.

Paddock / Load-in - Wednesday           
Howard Pardee

Registration – all three days       
Alicia Russel
Merchandise Tent -– all three days   
Jay Talbott

Thursday Social             
Jim Dolan 

Friday Dinner Program
Ron Richards

Open Track / Parade Laps
Howard Pardee

Car Show / Saturday                           
Bill Caron 

Parking / Swap Area
Jim Dolan 

If you would like to help for a few hours (or more) to make the event run smoothly...
Send an email to the address listed next to the above areas  ...and note "SAAC-48 VOLUNTEER" in the subject line

Please include your name, cell number and any area/day/time of preference

Please copy your email to  ...we will maintain a master list
Currently, all club members have access to the quarterly issues on the Members Only site.
The archive has each volume packaged with special page turning software that allows you to flip through the pages online.
You also have the ability to download the issue as a PDF and read it offline.

The page-turning software is a complex and expensive feature; we'd like to evaluate its importance for the new version of the website.

How do you access the issues? Let us know...

Do you use the page reader online? ...or do you download the file?
