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Color Change on Judged concours

Started by acman63, March 19, 2019, 03:13:39 PM

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  I believe these microscopic changes are driven by a very few folks who feel it is beneath their talent to judge what they perceive is beneath their level of competance.
   Like a major league umpire who wouldn't umpire a little league game.

1967 eight barrel

 Perhaps my comments are from a personal attack from a purist.  Essentially, I was "destroying" the vehicle and someone of my youth and exuberance wasn't worthy of such a vehicle.  I feel I did the vehicle justice in it's intent and design based on the lineage it was derived from.
Vehicle personalization is what created racing and hot rodding itself. I grew up in the cradle of hot rodding, knew many of the big players and saw just about everything that could be done to a vehicle growing up and living in So Ca.

I don't have an issue with those who are purist, as long as they don't look down their snout at those who want to actually use their vehicle and often make changes with safety and driveability in mind. I don't see them as a daily driver because they are not practical as such. I also see how bad drivers are and It requires one when driving to be ever vigilant of the mass of zombies who are so inconsiderate of public safety that they are constantly distracted by their personal electronics they can't seem to take a moment from.
I have always credited smart phones with the detachment to humanity and destruction of verbal communication. I am an extremely defensive driver, which I have avoided many who aren't.

Chris: I look forward to meeting you and others who feel as I do; That the legacy we represent should be kept alive.
Although my vehicle hasn't been in a magazine, we have to make them real and three dimensional to the younger crowd or they will die with our generation.
There is nothing sweeter than to hear a big block with a long duration cam burbling through long tube headers and a deep, throaty low exhaust tone.... Well, perhaps only superseded by the spool up of a turbofan with 27,000 pounds of thrust, but I digress.

We must figure out how to distract millennials from their cell phone and video games and get them engage in what the vehicles of this era offer.


Quote from: 1967 eight barrel on April 13, 2019, 08:50:38 PM
Perhaps my comments are from a personal attack from a purist.  Essentially, I was "destroying" the vehicle and someone of my youth and exuberance wasn't worthy of such a vehicle.  I feel I did the vehicle justice in it's intent and design based on the lineage it was derived from.
Vehicle personalization is what created racing and hot rodding itself. I grew up in the cradle of hot rodding, knew many of the big players and saw just about everything that could be done to a vehicle growing up and living in So Ca.

I don't have an issue with those who are purist, as long as they don't look down their snout at those who want to actually use their vehicle and often make changes with safety and driveability in mind. I don't see them as a daily driver because they are not practical as such. I also see how bad drivers are and It requires one when driving to be ever vigilant of the mass of zombies who are so inconsiderate of public safety that they are constantly distracted by their personal electronics they can't seem to take a moment from.
I have always credited smart phones with the detachment to humanity and destruction of verbal communication. I am an extremely defensive driver, which I have avoided many who aren't.

Although my vehicle hasn't been in a magazine, we have to make them real and three dimensional to the younger crowd or they will die with our generation.
There is nothing sweeter than to hear a big block with a long duration cam burbling through long tube headers and a deep, throaty low exhaust tone.... Well, perhaps only superseded by the spool up of a turbofan with 27,000 pounds of thrust, but I digress.

We must figure out how to distract millennials from their cell phone and video games and get them engage in what the vehicles of this era offer.

+ 1
When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus

Home of the Amazing Hertz 3 + 1 Musketeers
I have all UNGOLD cars

Our Pronouns are We Won

Bring on the Tariffs

Not a SHELBY expert


Quote from: 1967 eight barrel on April 13, 2019, 08:50:38 PM
Perhaps my comments are from a personal attack from a purist.  Essentially, I was "destroying" the vehicle and someone of my youth and exuberance wasn't worthy of such a vehicle.  I feel I did the vehicle justice in it's intent and design based on the lineage it was derived from.
Vehicle personalization is what created racing and hot rodding itself. I grew up in the cradle of hot rodding, knew many of the big players and saw just about everything that could be done to a vehicle growing up and living in So Ca.

I don't have an issue with those who are purist, as long as they don't look down their snout at those who want to actually use their vehicle and often make changes with safety and driveability in mind. I don't see them as a daily driver because they are not practical as such. I also see how bad drivers are and It requires one when driving to be ever vigilant of the mass of zombies who are so inconsiderate of public safety that they are constantly distracted by their personal electronics they can't seem to take a moment from.
I have always credited smart phones with the detachment to humanity and destruction of verbal communication. I am an extremely defensive driver, which I have avoided many who aren't.

Chris: I look forward to meeting you and others who feel as I do; That the legacy we represent should be kept alive.
Although my vehicle hasn't been in a magazine, we have to make them real and three dimensional to the younger crowd or they will die with our generation.
There is nothing sweeter than to hear a big block with a long duration cam burbling through long tube headers and a deep, throaty low exhaust tone.... Well, perhaps only superseded by the spool up of a turbofan with 27,000 pounds of thrust, but I digress.

We must figure out how to distract millennials from their cell phone and video games and get them engage in what the vehicles of this era offer.
^^^^ Couldn't of said it better ;)


Concours is a competition. It has issues because there is no written rule book. It's difficult to be 100% prepared for judging because of that.

What's more, we have disagreement amongst the judges themselves and have had some resign as a result.

Across the hobby, big dollar sales by big dollar auction houses clearly market cars with portfolios as being the best as being proven by Concours judging results.

Many questions here are questions as to what is "correct" rather then what is accurate to an original car. Many responses are by current active judges.

That's all fine but again, it needs to be remembered that that is somewhere around 1% of the participating membership yet accounts for 95% of the questions.

Complaining or criticizing that is simply put, over reaction. At least 95% of the participating membership is a "popular vote" car show interest. The popular vote car show is still a major part of the national convention if not THE major part of the convention.

If you are not an active participant in judged Concours, why worry about what goes on there?
Build your car the way you want it and how you enjoy it. Life is short. Go lay down some rubber. Let the Concours guys worry about the Grey Popoun? You worry too much.
68 GT350 Lives Matter!


Tom Kubler



Peoples Choice has always been a very enjoyable & interesting class at conventions & other shows... 8)