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Anyone recongize this 1968 GT-500KR conv?

Started by Timmerzfl, November 25, 2023, 08:22:30 AM

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I owned briefly back in the early eighties when I lived in St Petersburg FL.  All I do remember is that I bought it as a basket case from a friend of mine and sold the same way to a guy who drove down from the Chicago area and trailered it back.   I don't have the VIN but I'm pretty sure it was originally white and a 4-speed.  These are the only pictures I have when the guy came to pick it up.


I know of a car that originally came from JDBall and spent time around Miami. It was red, white, blue and probably a few other colors. It was a 4speed AC car that went to Wisconsin.

Unfortunately, Im pretty sure it did not have a replacement tail light panel
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I'm looking for 9F02M480004. Have you seen it?


Thanks for your reply.  When I bought the car it turned out that the title was not the correct one.  VERY long story which if someone knows the details i will know they are legit.  NO record of Miami.  It was the first of 8 Shelby's I have owned over the years, not including a 1993 SAAC MKll convertible.