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The future of the SAAC

Started by kjspeed, July 08, 2018, 09:49:45 AM

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Regarding one point made earlier.....
I can promise you that when I bring my car, mufflers.


Quote from: 98SVT - was 06GT on August 15, 2018, 11:59:06 PM
Quote from: shelbydoug on August 15, 2018, 07:26:01 AM
Quote from: 98SVT - was 06GT on August 14, 2018, 11:18:56 PM
I'm sure if you stuck pins in a map the majority of members would be living in the north eastern 1/4 of the country - east of Ohio and north of New Jersey. The wide open spaces of the west are less dense population wise. Fly in participation is more likely for those east of the Rockies. Western ownership is probably concentrated in So and Mid CA where cars can be drug out and driven any day it strikes you. There are several track days a year so driving 400 miles from SoCal to SF to use Sears isn't much incentive.

Really? So lets balance the power of 30 or 40 hard core western enthusiasts vs. hundreds if not thousands that drive on the east coast up to about 9 hours to get to the track?

It just boils down to out and out appeasement to the west. There is no other way to explain it.

Should I post pictures of the Dearborn conventions again? That was a 14 hour tow for me.

So in LA, you don't want to get out of your pool? Common'. This is all just BS.

I think if you go back in time one of the original goals was to let people run their cars on all the famous and/or big tracks all over the country. The west had a unique place as that is where all the creation/manufacturing/testing of CS cars started. I'm sure there are far more than 30-40 SAAC members in the west - but the national convention may not be a big draw because there is so much other stuff to do with your car. Most people are no longer willing to make the long drive/tow. 14 hours I consider a non event. 43 would have been a 9 hour drive for us from the LA area. We drove the the Mid-Ohio and Dearborn conventions but flew to CT. It compounds the problem since more people don't bring their cars there is less to see so some people may decide to stay home which means less cars less people so then next time it rolls around people remember less cars/people so they decide to stay home. The conventions for us has become a time to visit old friends we have met/known since SAAC 1. It has become not really about the cars for us (especially since so many are now the same because 100% original is desired - we've lost the WOW look at that day 2 mod). We went to Indy last year - no car as we pulled our travel trailer but Indy was on the bucket list - did have fun with the parade laps. How long before there will no longer be a need to rent a track? Fewer and fewer people are not willing to risk a major portion of their retirement fund on the track and who cares about seeing a bunch of late model Mustangs making muffled laps? I'm certain the board will pull the plug on the west when it no longer makes sense to hold a convention here. Their ultimate decision has to be about bringing a convention to each of their membership centers that has a cost effective venue.
I thought about how and why we are in the predicament we are in and couldn't find the right way to say it. SVT and I seem to have the same beliefs on this matter. How it began and why there was an excitement is in his statement above. Day 2 mods, racing cars, great friends, new locations, NO boring sales pitches from people that understand very little about having a passion for special vintage performance cars. If we wanted a new car we would just head on down to a local dealer and pick something up- pretty boring and we don't need conventions to discuss REGULAR CARS that's what we don't need from them. When you hire MGRS that are good bean counters they are just that, GOOD BEAN COUNTERS and should not be allowed to mix with the vintage crowd. Now for SO CAL that is where it all began, for good reason things happen there first because of population, weather, free flowing ideas etc, It was that way in the beginning and continues to be that way now. There are MORE performance cars and people that love COBRAS, SHELBYS, TIGERS, PANTERAS, BOSS' you name it then anywhere else in the world. When things seem broken and no one fixes them they find other things to do. Just one guys observation about these cars and people from the 1970s :-\


Times have changed  and yes everyone is older , 10 years ago the forum did not exist.  this was a change for the better . allows more info to be shared and  compared , multiple  discussions that  lead to more accurate  reporting of the history have come from it . But in the  beginning  the conversation was we don't need  it . The club was / Is better  for this change . 

The unfortunate loss of all the info from those 10 years is  disappointing.

MANY of the current club member have invested  Time and effort and  funds to support the  "Club" .    It is the behind the scene  investment  by The registrars and  their families  for the last  40 years  should have some  bearing on what happens going forward .  Out of respect for them  !

The Powers that be  have enthusiasm about a 1/4 inch  deep now  .

They have Put together  A Great assembly of people ( members) who have vast tracks of  enthusiasm  for the brand  and the club.

The lawsuit soured many .... but it also brought out  many longtime members   .

If we had a nickel for every time  the  "Go start your own club"   conversation had come up .

Dividing the club members would be a loss on both sides and  not productive for either side .

I'm really not a fan of the last one out turn off the lights  version of the clubs exit plan.

The Titanic captain was not to be swayed  either . full steam ahead we  wont need those reports .

Some where some one is driving their collector car for the last time but they don't know it . Drive your car every time like it could be the last memory of it .


The whole "Go start your own club" mentality is quite frankly part of the problem.  That is the reaction of a child, "I'll take my ball and go home if you don't like it and you can find a new ball" and is disrespectful to all that try and make the SAAC even better.  No one that I have spoken to or read comments from suggested or is planning on leaving the SAAC to form another group.  The biggest grip I have heard is that the membership wants to hear from the leadership because it rallies enthusiasm. 
Shelby's and Fords from Day 1


  ASK NOT WHAT YOUR CLUB CAN DO FOR YOU , ASK WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR YOUR CLUB. Volunteering your talents toward making it better instead of typing on the computer may actually produce the results you are looking for. Many voices outnumber a few. Give your opinions to the owner , not the minions.
Celebrating 46 years of drag racing 6S477 and no end in sight.


Quote from: gt350hr on August 16, 2018, 02:37:44 PM
  ASK NOT WHAT YOUR CLUB CAN DO FOR YOU , ASK WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR YOUR CLUB. Volunteering your talents toward making it better instead of typing on the computer may actually produce the results you are looking for. Many voices outnumber a few. Give your opinions to the owner , not the minions.


Randy, I think people would if there was a way to do it and they knew who to ask?  Do you know how, who and what the SAAC leadership needs in terms of help at the moment?  As the SAAC is someones business and not a club so to speak, I don't think the owner wants Joe Blow hitting them up without asking.  JMO 
Shelby's and Fords from Day 1


If a club isn't growing, it's dying.

You need an infusion of new blood to keep things healthy. Let's be frank, not a lot of young enthusiasts will be able to buy a 50 year old 6 figure pony car. But a lot of them are entering the fray with second ownership of the '07-'18 models. I suggest reaching out to this group is the easiest way to grow the club as a whole and improve the odds that the originals will be cared for by enthusiasts.

Probably help attendance too.


Quote from: gt350hr on August 16, 2018, 02:37:44 PM
  ASK NOT WHAT YOUR CLUB CAN DO FOR YOU , ASK WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR YOUR CLUB. Volunteering your talents toward making it better instead of typing on the computer may actually produce the results you are looking for. Many voices outnumber a few. Give your opinions to the owner , not the minions.

+1  see what you can do to help SAAC get better
SAAC Concours Chairman

Owner Shelby Parts and Restoration Since 1977

SAAC original first year member


x 10- Someone has to acknowledge there is a problem before help can be forthcoming. :-[

Chris Thauberger

Quote from: Chad on August 16, 2018, 11:05:40 AM
Quote from: SFM6S087 on August 15, 2018, 05:16:09 AM
As far as the running of the club is concerned I'll say this. I think I'm getting more than my money's worth with the quarterly Shelby American online, the annual print edition, the service of the Registrars, and the publicity and prestige that SAAC brings to our cars. Plus the opportunity to attend a convention each year if I choose. I'm a happy member.

If someone has suggestions for how to improve things, then by all means send them to SAAC HQ. I'm not against change for the better.

About the conventions. I believe there was a survey sometime in the last year or two that polled our members for input. The results were tabulated and made available. I know at one time there were some specific numbers given about where our members live and convention attendance in various parts of the country. As I recall, that information was quite detailed, and included some discussion of the finances involved in putting on these events. But I don't know if that was part of the poll results or presented at some other time. (BTW, I always wondered why we couldn't have a convention here in Texas. After reviewing that data I understood.) Maybe someone can find that survey info and post it here.

If someone has ideas on how to improve the conventions, please send them to SAAC HQ. I have no illusions about every idea being accepted. Many won't be practical for financial or other reasons. But if a hundred suggestions are submitted and three are implemented, that would still be worthwhile.

For what it's worth, I don't think the people in control of SAAC read this forum – or at least not very often. If you have a question or suggestion for them I suggest you email them directly. All their email addresses are on the site. But don't expect an immediate response from them during the month before or after a convention. They're pretty busy around that time.

And just so you'll know, I have no affiliation with SAAC management. I'm just a member like most of the others here on the forum. And like many of you, I sometimes feel compelled to share my thoughts with the group.

My 2 cents.

I completely agree.  I think all this talk can be contributed to the society we live in now.  A lot of people in this country are un happy with everything, nothing is fare!  Well then go start your own club and quit bitching!!!!!!!!!

Right on Chad...not that the bitchers are gonna change...  :o

If you don't like the direction(or lack of) the club is heading then leave.
Being the "All time post count king" on a forum is kinda like being rich in Monopoly

Life is 1% what happen to you and 99% how you react to it.

Video: Gold Concours GT500

98SVT - was 06GT

Quote from: 2112 on August 16, 2018, 04:31:03 PM
If a club isn't growing, it's dying. You need an infusion of new blood to keep things healthy......... '07-'18 models. I suggest reaching out to this group ..

There is a finite number of cars - today many people own 2 or more cars. Some collections have 10-30 cars. When a guy owns 20 cars he only buys one membership. In fact some of the big assorted collections may not even have memberships in marque specific clubs for the cars they own. - this is why membership numbers are down. I'd wager 90%+ of owners of early cars do belong to SAAC.
Sure - ask the new owners to join. What does SAAC offer those 100,000+ owners? A great magazine on the development of their cars? Nope. A recap of the drivers and race history of their cars? Nope. Tech tips on how to make their car concours correct just the way it rolled off the assembly line (last week)? Nope. A group of dedicated registrars keeping track of 10 times as many cars as CS built in the 60s? Nope. Even CS isn't sharing their registry because then you'd realize your new Shelby never has a chance of being rare and collectible for at least the next 50 years. Sure some owners of early cars also own new ones but that is a very few cars out of the pool of new cars. Also which car do you target? Ford/SVT built GT350 & GT500? Shelby manufactured Shelbys? Current Mustangs that are modified post title by CS? Then do you do the ones done in Vegas or those done by licensed installers in other parts of the country? Are you going to include "Cobra" Mustangs? CS had as much to do with those as he did with the 2005 GT500.
Team Shelby exists to cater to owners of new cars with SAAC type benefits. If you own a new car are you going to the club created to support your new car or one that focuses on one that is 50 years old and shares nothing in common except a name?
Previous owner 6S843 - GT350H & 68 GT500 Convert #135.
Mine: GT1 Mustang, 1998 SVT 32V, 1929 Model A Coupe, Wife's: 2004 Tbird
Member since 1975 - priceless



You seem have forgotten all these cars are of one make; Ford. The highest performing Fords. Yeah, if you are lucky, you will attract 3-4% of that 100,000 pool of modern performance Ford owners because you are correct, most of them don't care about 50 y/o cars.

You're absolutely right, you have very little to offer them...except heritage. The real point is what they have to offer to you. Namely youthful eagerness to get involved & learn about the history and the cars.

That is more likely to keep them on the road rather than being investment tools.

In closing; Get off my lawn!


Quote from: Chris Thauberger on August 16, 2018, 07:03:13 PM
Quote from: Chad on August 16, 2018, 11:05:40 AM
Quote from: SFM6S087 on August 15, 2018, 05:16:09 AM
As far as the running of the club is concerned I'll say this. I think I'm getting more than my money's worth with the quarterly Shelby American online, the annual print edition, the service of the Registrars, and the publicity and prestige that SAAC brings to our cars. Plus the opportunity to attend a convention each year if I choose. I'm a happy member.

If someone has suggestions for how to improve things, then by all means send them to SAAC HQ. I'm not against change for the better.

About the conventions. I believe there was a survey sometime in the last year or two that polled our members for input. The results were tabulated and made available. I know at one time there were some specific numbers given about where our members live and convention attendance in various parts of the country. As I recall, that information was quite detailed, and included some discussion of the finances involved in putting on these events. But I don't know if that was part of the poll results or presented at some other time. (BTW, I always wondered why we couldn't have a convention here in Texas. After reviewing that data I understood.) Maybe someone can find that survey info and post it here.

If someone has ideas on how to improve the conventions, please send them to SAAC HQ. I have no illusions about every idea being accepted. Many won't be practical for financial or other reasons. But if a hundred suggestions are submitted and three are implemented, that would still be worthwhile.

For what it's worth, I don't think the people in control of SAAC read this forum – or at least not very often. If you have a question or suggestion for them I suggest you email them directly. All their email addresses are on the site. But don't expect an immediate response from them during the month before or after a convention. They're pretty busy around that time.

And just so you'll know, I have no affiliation with SAAC management. I'm just a member like most of the others here on the forum. And like many of you, I sometimes feel compelled to share my thoughts with the group.

My 2 cents.

I completely agree.  I think all this talk can be contributed to the society we live in now.  A lot of people in this country are un happy with everything, nothing is fare!  Well then go start your own club and quit bitching!!!!!!!!!

Right on Chad...not that the bitchers are gonna change...  :o

If you don't like the direction(or lack of) the club is heading then leave.
Chris- Heres the real problem... Most of the fan base has left the bldg., after the nonsense that took place on 1.0 and the crash of the forum most left never to return. Many continue to leave for various reasons with seemingly so many on the fence we don't need to push any more over because many will leave with just a gentle breeze. I am one of those that enjoy all Marques and the passion and effort that goes into these cars. When I show up at a Corvette or Porsche gathering we all have our opinions of what we like, and enjoy the commeraderie with each other and all that the event has to offer. NO ONE says if you dont like the venue leave... Only here does this keep raising its ugly head. Those of us left are the backbone of the group lets not run any more people off!


Celebrating 46 years of drag racing 6S477 and no end in sight.


I would note that there is a difference between someone participating for free on this forum and an actual dues paying member of SAAC.  ;)

One is supporting SAAC the other is not.
1968 Shelby GT350
1968 Mustang GT S-code
2009 Mustang Bullitt