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Messages - Sxty8KR


I don't recall if I purchased my NOS appearing battery through these guys for my KR, but its an option. The battery I purchased cost Near $400. I think a Google search would find other vendors as well.   :)

SAAC-43 / Re: Embassy Suites San Rafael Opening
July 26, 2018, 09:18:46 PM
Thanks Steve!   I really am bummed to have to cancel. Been looking forward to the convention since finding out it was on the west coast this year. It would have been my first one.  The procedure I have to go through in on the Weds the 1st. Hopefully, I will be out of hospital by that evening. Plan on taking a drive or two in the KR for sure before and after!    ;D
SAAC-43 / Embassy Suites San Rafael Opening
July 26, 2018, 06:39:21 PM
Hey all;     Wanted to advise that due to an unexpected medical issue I've had to cancel attending next weekends upcoming festivities  :(    That said I just cancelled my reservation at the host hotel, so there is an opening. They may already have a waiting list for any cancellations but if not, I wanted someone to have the opportunity to get the room. 

Hope everyone has a safe weekend!  I know it will be fun.

Quote from: lalease on March 28, 2018, 07:34:19 PM
Does anyone have an idea why my recoil units do not recoil. inertia stop will work, but once extended will not go back. I have not removed yet ,are they repairable?  who is the retractor expert?

   I too had a retractor issue with my drivers side. The retractor would leave the belt sagging about 8 or so inches from the top. I was able to resolve the issue by taking it apart. I found the tension spring was still intact and all I needed to do was wind the plastic housing it was contained in & attached to a couple of times and it was solved. You may want to take a look at yours before sending it off for a repair in case its a similar situation (hopefully).

Quote from: Hov on February 28, 2018, 04:24:59 PM
Hello Steve, Not sure if you are a member of WASAAC? We have the chance of renting an enclosed 6 car trailer from Seattle to Sonoma Ca. and back for $1,300.00 round trip. This would give you the chance to drive your car around while taking in the convention . So far we only have 1 person maybe 2 interested in doing this, there may also be a 2 car trailer available as well, not sure on the cost per car on that one. Let me know if this interests you. Best,

  Mark.......  Not a member of WASAAC.      My plan was to transport the KR down via enclosed trailer. Not giving it up to someone to transport it would make feel better I guess. When I bought it and had it transported it just made me anxious not having the control over its travels.

Is the owner of the Shelby listed above here on the site? May have good news for you. Your Shelby would have been purchased originally from Bill Watkins Ford.
Folks from the Northwest. How many of us are heading south to Sonoma to  SAAC 43 in late July early August 2018?
   Well, when I have wanted to get paint off of something, especially into corners or something non smooth. I have let it sit in brake fluid for a day or two. It usually is quite soft and comes off easily. I think it would be a less harsh thing to try on the covering first and then on a small area at first.   :)

1968 Shelby GT350/500/500KR / Re: Coralsnake updates
February 20, 2018, 11:20:28 PM
Thanks Pete. I concur with the previous posts. I've been to your site many many times and its been a big help to me. With that thought, is the store access down or gone? I didn't find the store tab last time I was on the site.     :o
SAAC-43 / Re: General Convention Info Wanted
February 20, 2018, 11:10:16 PM
Thanks for the continued replies everyone. Very helpful to me! I'm looking forward to attending for sure.   :)
SAAC-43 / Re: General Convention Info Wanted
February 19, 2018, 11:07:30 PM
Thanks very much for the replies! 

Ken:  I will be towing enclosed trailer down with my Super Duty. No semi for me, wish I could though.   8)

Bigfoot: Sorry, I don't know Mike here in Seattle. Have met two other KR owners here locally; Dan & Joe who both have Yellow KR's as well. I heard tell of a fourth Yellow KR which has been owned by the same owner for two or three decades & parked away somewhere here in Western Wash., but I've never heard exactly where that car might be.    :(
SAAC-43 / General Convention Info Wanted
February 16, 2018, 11:52:34 PM
Hi Everyone. New to the Forum. Just a few questions I'm sure you seasoned veterans can fill me in on regarding attending the SAAC Convention upcoming in CA. I've secured a room at the host hotel in California. This will be my first convention and I will be trailering the KR in from Seattle to attend. But I do not know the general protocol. I understand that there will be security overnight at the hotel. But do you drive the truck & trailer there and unload the car, or is that done at the track? Are the cars kept at the hotel parking lot strictly untrailerd or are they trailered every day? I might be jumping the gun a little, as there may be info forthcoming, but I'm excited to attend and make sure I don't create problems when I get there.  Thanks for your responses & insight.

Hi Everyone. First post here. Have had #3777 for a little over a year & half now. This is just a general photo taken near my home near Seattle. Have taken her to several car shows since she's been mine. Always very popular. It has been my dream car since I was teenager, so its awesome to have in the garage now.     ;D