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Messages - Cobra Ned

CSX 3000 Series / Re: Let's post some CSX3000 pictures!
December 12, 2023, 10:43:08 AM
I'm thinking that's CSX 3274 with Doug McClellan's MI plate on it. Mid- '70s.
CSX 3000 Series / Re: I think its a 427 car?
December 10, 2023, 04:04:57 PM
The car was CSX 3322. Winter's ownership is documented in the Cobra Registry.
SAAC Forum Discussion Area / Re: Cobra daytona 7 litre
November 27, 2023, 08:00:29 PM
The car pictured in the magazine article above is not CSX 3054, which was the big-block "Super Coupe." If you look closely, you'll see it looks like one of the original small-block Daytona Coupes. How can that be? Maybe the car in the article is CSX 2286, which was the last of the coupes to be finished even though it was the lowest chassis number. Its completion was delayed by a request by Carroll Shelby to lengthen the chassis by 3 inches and install a Ford 390 cubic-inch engine rather than a 289. Aha. A 7-litre Cobra Coupe. Except that it never got built. It was determined that the standard 289 version was what was needed, and the 390 car was cancelled. But it appears that's the car that was written up in that German article.
CSX 3000 Series / Re: what csx number Ned?
November 26, 2023, 08:50:22 PM
Has to be the former water-car, CSX 3184, right?
CSX 3000 Series / Re: CSX 3116 Information
November 08, 2023, 10:31:34 AM
Lewis Roy Ford only comes up with CSX 3115, as it was the dealership through which Dr. Albritton purchased the car. If the same shop was connected with another Cobra, we have no record of it, sorry to say.
Looking Back / Re: SAAC 3
October 23, 2023, 08:56:26 PM
Yes, 2494 was at the track. I have some photos but they are still undigitized slides. Got to work on my technology...
Looking Back / Re: SAAC 3
October 23, 2023, 01:51:11 PM
Side Oilers, no, Dan sold his Cobra several years ago. Last I heard of it, the car was being offered for sale in the Netherlands over the summer of 2021. And as for the maroon 289 above, it is likely Lynn's CSX 2515.
Looking Back / Re: SAAC 3
October 22, 2023, 11:34:57 AM
Do you mean Dan Knisely, from CA? CSX 2206 was not at SAAC 3. It is maroon, but has a black interior and white side pipes.
CSX1000, 4000, 7000, 8000 / CSX 4000 appraisal
September 21, 2023, 04:26:07 PM
Can anyone here provide an appraisal for the owner of a CSX 4000-series car ?
CSX 3000 Series / Re: CSX 3116 Information
September 17, 2023, 10:21:39 AM
CSX 3116 is in France. The owner likely may not read the SAAC Forum.
Different car. Col. Loren Pearson owned/ raced CSX 2375 and 2378.
Concours Talk / Re: 65 427 cobra rear axel question
August 16, 2023, 02:41:36 PM
It's a lot easier to swap the pads on an outboard set, especially under race conditions, plus the outboard brakes cool down more quickly.
Confusion often results when "continuation cars" - which might otherwise be labeled imposters or replicas - utilize chassis numbers designed to mimic those assigned by AC Cars to the '60s Cobras they built almost 60 years ago. This makes having a genuine SAAC Cobra Registry ensconced in one's bookshelf a mandatory exercise for anyone who wants to remain on top of the facts rather than the innuendo. Don't delay; contact SAAC today and get yours before they are out of print.
CSX 3000 Series / Re: Luggage rack?
June 05, 2023, 09:11:12 AM
Have never seen one on a 427 car.
Babric Enterprises was run by Rick and Barbara Bawden of Hayward, CA. It is my belief that both are no longer with us, however their son Rick lived in Los Gatos last we knew. Possibly someone out there knows him and can help with further information.