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Topics - 68blk500c

Indiana SAAC / '24 Fall Classic show??
July 31, 2024, 01:57:23 PM
Are there plans for a 2024 Fall Classic show in French Lick?
Concours Talk / 1968 GT500 exhaust valve
April 16, 2024, 06:07:41 PM
I feel it was appropriate to begin this new topic instead of continuing:

SAAC Forum► The Cars► 1968 Shelby GT350/500/500KR► 428 PI Exhaust Manifold Question

Not only is it my long-time /observation/experience that original 1968 GT500s are equipped with the exhaust "flapper" control valve on the RH exhaust manifold of the 428 PI, the part is clearly supported by Shelby documentation.

SAAC Forum Discussion Area / 2023 MCACN
October 19, 2023, 09:27:54 AM
We are returning to MCACN this year with our black, Premiere, '68 GT500 convertible Division I car for their Best of 1968 feature.  It sounds like it will be a really strong presence this year for Fords.
Another historical Shelby "unveil" is rumored.  Who knows??

Looking forward to seeing folks there, along with some great cars.  Pack a bag and be there!
SAAC Forum Discussion Area / Tom Corcoran - RIP
April 23, 2023, 10:43:47 PM
Forgive me if this was mentioned previously; I don't think so.

Tom Corcoran, editor of Mustang Monthly Magazine back in the late 80's, as well as author of several Mustang and Shelby books, passed away back in February of this year.  He was an acclaimed fiction writer, having published a series of Alex Rutledge character novels (which are very fun reads).  Tom also co-wrote songs that are Jimmy Buffett classics, and was a photographer for JB over several years.  A naval officer, a bartender, a father, and a great guy.  Tom owned a '67 Shelby.

I had the pleasure of knowing Tom.  RIP
NOS right side only 2" double-hump exhaust intermediate/resonator pipe with Ford label C7ZZ-5A289-A1 and stamped ED C7ZA-5212-N. 
This is 67-68 GT350 and GT500, as well as 390GT, but NOT for CJ cars. 
$1,000.00 DELIVERED TO Columbus spring 2023 next weekend. 
Reluctant to ship this. PM your interest. Pictures available. Thanks.
Parts For Sale / NOS 1968 Mustang/Shelby Radio Kit
October 05, 2022, 12:14:49 AM
NOS C8ZZ-18805-CA4 Radio Kit.  100% complete kit in original Ford box; AM radio, antenna, speaker, paperwork and hardware. 
Photos available.  PM your interest.  Thanks.
$1,700.00 plus shipping and insurance.  DELIVERY TO Columbus spring 2023 next weekend.
Parts For Sale / NOS 1965 Mustang/Shelby Radio Kit
October 05, 2022, 12:09:06 AM
NOS C5ZZ-18805-AA Radio Kit; box recently opened for inspection and pictures.  100% complete kit with AM radio, antenna, speaker, paperwork and hardware.  See photos.  PM your interest. Thanks.
$1,700.00 plus shipping and insurance. 
DELIVERY TO Columbus spring 2023 next weekend.

A set of four (4) original, vintage Goodyear Speedway 350 E70-15 tires--large letter style. 
Three have 11/32" tread; one has 8/32" tread. 
For your Survivor or Thoroughbred Shelby.  $8,000.00 for the set delivered to Columbus spring 2023 (next weekend). 
Photos available.  PM your interest.  Thanks.

3 are dated November 1967 from Akron plant
1 is dated September 1966 from MA plant?

I tried searching, but am not finding this topic from this past year (I think).  Your help pointing me toward this information is most appreciated!
I'm familiar with the GT500 smog belt used with a/c, however I am trying to find out what belt was used in the factory application without a/c.  My final version of the Ford MPC doesn't list one.  What about the first version?  Might someone have an original example?
Interested in your knowledge/experience with this application.

Thanks for your input.
Pair (2) NOS alternator belts, both dated 3-67; C7ZE-8620-F; Ford MPC lists as 289 Special (K or hi-po) with T/E without A/C and specifies a pair.  Marked AU.  Ford MPC specific application.  $300.00 plus shipping.  Could deliver to Columbus.  Please PM your interest. 
Thank you.
1967 Shelby GT350/500 / 1967 steel wheel identification
January 15, 2022, 09:23:11 AM
Do we have a topic to identify '67 steel rims/wheels--much like the superb '68 topic??

If so, I'm missing it.  If not, could some '67 folks put together that information?

Thank you.

It has much darker (charcoal grey--almost black) bristle type fabric.  Hole for gas filler neck is 6" on center from rear edge, much like a 1969 gas tank dimension.

Appreciate your help identifying it.

1968 Shelby GT350/500/500KR / 68 steel wheels
August 07, 2021, 11:54:07 PM
In case some of you are shopping for correct 15x6 steel wheels, be sure that they have air vent slots like pictured.

Also, if a Ford service label is still on the wheel, it will be a C8A #.
While searching to find the television schedule for the upcoming Barrett-Jackson AZ auction, it appears that these long awaited documentaries will be broadcast at various times over a few days.
Excellent topic Pete.
May I suggest someone post a topic on the 67 steel wheels.  My limited experience is that the vent slots are shaped differently.
Parts For Sale / Last minute parts to SAAC-44
July 09, 2019, 11:45:44 PM
Original nice set of four (4) vintage large letter Speedway 350 tires for Div. I or survivor '68 (Nov '67 dates) $8,000.

Original set of four (4) vintage oval script adjustable shocks from '66 Hertz excellent cond. $2,500. SOLD-THANK YOU

C3O hi-po harmonic balancer $550.

NOS hi-po air cleaner and filter (FoMoCo boxed); 6G base $1,750. SOLD TO MEMBER-THANK YOU

Original hi-po air cleaner double-hump lid and 5A base (no nipple) $500.

NOS C7ZZ-5A289-A1 2" intermediate resonator exhaust pipe $1,500.

NOS C8Z-C 2" cross flow muffler $500.

Please send a PM.
Wanted to Buy / Wanted 68 'vert trunk mat
April 18, 2019, 11:51:34 AM
Please see swap section for trade appeal.
Wanted NOS C8ZZ-7645494-BCP, or truly excellent take out 1968 convertible trunk mat; prefer speckled style.  Have various 1968 Shelby
NOS and original parts for possible trade.

Please send PM;
Thank you, Don.
Have NOS Ford boxed C5ZZ-6345456-CAB (fastback) trunk mat/"floor cover" which has been stored inside our home in a closet for 38 years; pliable, new condition.  WILL TRADE FOR NOS FORD C8ZZ-7645494-BCP (CONVERTIBLE) TRUNK MAT IN NEW CONDITION; gray speckled preferred.

Please send PM.
Thank you, Don
After owning #02139 for 29 years, the restoration was finished in time for our Mid-America debut in Tulsa, last weekend.  Many friends from the past several decades actually saw the car for the first time, and the reception was overwhelming.  We are showing in "thoroughbred" equivalent class.  This first time out we scored GOLD, with very positive feedback! 

Our thanks to the Mid-America staff and judges;  Having previously spent 25 years in Tulsa, we are proud to be able debut there. 

Billups Classic Cars does outstanding work; we are proud to be showing during this the 50th anniversary for the 1968 Shelby.

[img with = 999][/img]

Ok, how do I make this photo appear here?!  This is way too difficult!!