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Messages - rdmgt500

Wanted to Buy / Re: WTB PM300 Antenna
January 19, 2025, 10:03:54 PM
No. I don't have any parts needed for the ground strap.

Wanted to Buy / Re: WTB PM300 Antenna
January 09, 2025, 10:47:21 PM
Here's another possibility. Difficult to find a spec on the nut size.......
Wanted to Buy / Re: WTB PM300 Antenna
January 09, 2025, 08:48:58 PM
Found an old "Snyder" auto antenna on ebay

Wonder if that coax cable and connector/nut is compatible with the PM300 stalk.
Wanted to Buy / Re: WTB PM300 Antenna
January 09, 2025, 06:47:20 PM
Thanks for the response Bob. I saw that one on ebay. It's also missing the coax cable lead, nut, and metal strap.
Wanted to Buy / WTB PM300 Antenna
January 09, 2025, 10:20:38 AM
Looking for a 1969/1970 Shelby Antenna (C9ZZ-18813-C)
2006-up Shelby GT/GT-H / Re: Depreciation
December 30, 2024, 11:47:04 AM
Guessing the seller made a big mistake making the auction "no reserve"...........
Found the 3 into 1 at Branda...........

Bob, Coralsnake,

Thanks for the replies. Haven't been able to locate either the 2 into 1 or a 3 into 1 bullet spice connector. Any idea where I can find one?
Need some help with connecting the 2 license plate lamp sockets to the wiring harness. Should the 12V contact wires from each socket be spiced together into 1 bullet connector that plugs into the harness, or should the loom have 2 female bullet connectors for each socket? Similarly, should the ground wire with the lug connector from each socket be spliced together into 1 lug terminal or should each lug terminal be connected to ground? Thanks!
Wanted to Buy / 428CJ Valve Cover "O-K" Stamp
May 14, 2024, 02:40:05 PM
Looking to "rent" or buy the O-K stamp for 428CJ valve covers. Dead Nuts On is out of stock.
Try unplugging the black wire from the slide switch to the glove box switch to see if that has any effect..........
Wanted to Buy / 69/70 Deluxe Interior Map Light
April 29, 2024, 03:13:58 PM
Looking for a 1969/70 deluxe interior map light assembly.
Thanks Patrick. What's the trick to remove (or back up an inch or 2) the top part?
Does the console need to come out to remove the radio bezel? Unless I'm doing something wrong, there doesn't seem to be enough clearance for the 2 protruding bolts on the back side of the bottom part of the bezel to clear the console.
That helps a lot! Thanks Patrick
