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Messages - Kyle

1967 Shelby GT350/500 / Re: 67 shelby guages pod
August 13, 2021, 01:00:38 AM
Quote from: Bob Gaines on August 12, 2021, 05:13:23 PM
Quote from: oldcanuck on August 12, 2021, 05:01:53 PM
Since we are on the gauge pod .... any body seen or heard about the amp and oil press gauges swapped around for visibilty to the driver ?

I had an owner tell me it was a Calif thing.... when you move the oil press to the right side, its easier for the driver to see... and who cares about amps......

When I got my '67 in San Diego, the gauges were swapped this way.... bass ackwards.
That is a new one as 67 urban legends go .at least for me. I have not seen or heard of factory memos etc to indicate that it ever was implemented. If it was something that made sense in CA then SA would have implemented it for all 67 Shelby's. It would be one less thing to get confused about from a procedural build stand point. The outboard light change over comes to mind. As it stands it sounds like another urban legend example to justify a non original modification.

Thanks Bob
Quote from: J_Speegle on August 12, 2021, 06:00:22 PM
Quote from: Kyle on August 12, 2021, 02:24:40 PM
So my guages are correct for my car ?

Correct in the style (screws used for retaining the face plate)

Quote from: Kyle on August 12, 2021, 02:24:40 PMI will plug that hole of the oil pressure hose  because it's not original from factory. I don't have screws on  the 2 trim rings of the guages I don't know Why?
Even I don't have that big hole in the midle of the pod why?

Appears that that is likely another confirmation that you have a reproduction assembly. If someone had one new in the box from whomever is currently or recently has been making them we could then compare yours and theirs but so far its looking like a number of features are not matching originals. And that was the original question for the thread

J_Speegle, are you looking for these numbers ?
I am not 100% if my guage pod is reproduction the looks like there was restord.
1967 Shelby GT350/500 / Re: 67 shelby guages pod
August 12, 2021, 04:15:39 PM
Thanks Rich,
1967 Shelby GT350/500 / Re: 67 shelby guages pod
August 12, 2021, 02:24:40 PM
Quote from: Richstang on August 12, 2021, 01:04:46 PM
While I don't have many close up photos, my photo files support Jeff's estimate (when the face plate with screws start appearing).
It appears they start sometime in the 200s VIN range. In the 300s I'm starting to see the screws on the face plates.

Just remember cars were not completed in VIN order, so you have to look at the dates.
It DOES seem that Kyle's car would have the screws as it was completed in late January.
This is only my guess based on my current collection of photos.
It does not cover all '67's and includes some that have been restored.

Hi Rich, thanks for the information.
So my guages are correct for my car ?
I will plug that hole of the oil pressure hose  because it's not original from factory. I don't have screws on  the 2 trim rings of the guages I don't know Why?
Even I don't have that big hole in the midle of the pod why?

These are the dates on the MartiReport.
Here are some photos.
1967 Shelby GT350/500 / Re: 67 shelby guages pod
August 11, 2021, 10:01:34 PM
Thanks for everyone.
So to be correct my guage pod needs need to be no screws in the center face plate?
Anyone have photos of an early guage pod please?
Thanks Kyle.
1967 Shelby GT350/500 / Re: 67 shelby guages pod
August 11, 2021, 01:25:47 PM
Thanks for your photos .
Here are some more photos to see the difference.

1967 Shelby GT350/500 / Re: 67 shelby guages pod
August 11, 2021, 02:13:22 AM
Quote from: J_Speegle on August 10, 2021, 09:23:06 PM
Quote from: J_Speegle on August 10, 2021, 04:48:15 AM
Is that an extra small hole in the back of the case behind where the amp gauge is inserted?

After looking at more examples the small "extra" hole would be for the oil pressure tube. But don't see that hole on originals though don't have allot of those pictures. Anyone see this or is this a case again of a reproducer "improving" the original

Kyle you didn't happen to reverse the picture you posted of the housing did you?

Maybe I'm turned around looking at all the pictures  but if that hole was meant for the oil pressure hose on the OP's housing doesn't that put that gauge on the opposite side?  Not sure if we should continue here or start a new thread

OP's housing is at the top of both of the following

Interesting shot below (still opposite from the OP's picture) and it may be just the angle but here is a side shot showing the oil pressure line going to the drivers side gauge pod but appears its going through of the housing. In the picture above (bottom one) shows that one with the oil pressure hose routed through the square housing opening. Two version?  Owner alteration? This should get some additional comments

Thank you very much, J_speeglo

So my guages pod is an old reproduction or original
Yes me to I think that the small extra hole would be for the oil pressure tube.
Yes we should continue here.

Here are some more photos.

1967 Shelby GT350/500 / Re: 67 shelby guages pod
August 10, 2021, 08:05:07 PM
Quote from: J_Speegle on August 10, 2021, 05:23:12 PM
Quote from: Richstang on August 09, 2021, 10:59:43 PM
I believe early cars had no screws in the center face plate, while later cars did.
When that change happened, I don't know.

As a follow up to earlier comments

IMO it is likely/possibly there was a short period of time where both were in stock as old inventory was being used up and new was available. Looking at my collection of data I have come up with likely a soft running change around car #170-#210. Have about 200 examples after that point with about 1% (month or more apart) deviation represented by orphan and likely non-original gauge clusters

Unfortunately don't have clear pictures of all of the 1400 cars I have pictures of this detail

Just trying to help
Thanks JD,
So My guages pod is reproduction?

1967 Shelby GT350/500 / Re: 67 shelby guages pod
August 10, 2021, 04:53:32 PM
Quote from: Bob Gaines on August 10, 2021, 11:38:28 AM
I would check with Branda performance and see if they sell any plates with out the screws.If not you may have to fabricate one . The one without screws is slightly larger because it is wedged in between the pods for a interference fit. Worst case scenario go with the one with the screws. It isn't set in stone that yours would be without screws.Yet anyway. Details can evolve with more evidence. FYI if using screws they need to be slotted counter sunk type that are black oxide finish.

Hi again Bob,
Yes please check me at Branda performance about the plate.
I think is a bit problem to make it without screws in the plate plus the other modifications?
I prefer to find a original complete pod even with the guages.
1967 Shelby GT350/500 / Re: 67 shelby guages pod
August 10, 2021, 04:47:56 PM
Quote from: Bill on August 10, 2021, 11:32:05 AM
Quote from: Kyle on August 10, 2021, 11:12:10 AM

Were can I find original complete guage pod with guages with no screws on the face plate?

A post in the  want to buy subforum  is highly suggested. Plenty of parts collectors/seller lurk there.

Thanks Bill,
I will make a post Wanted for guages pod.
1967 Shelby GT350/500 / Re: 67 shelby guages pod
August 10, 2021, 11:12:10 AM
Quote from: JD on August 10, 2021, 08:53:14 AM
Quote from: Kyle on August 10, 2021, 08:22:21 AM
My Shelby 67 Is early vin#0348.
So for my car need's to be without no screws in the center face plate ?

That could be, not sure a definite time has been established on when that change occurred.
Quote from: Bob Gaines on August 10, 2021, 09:50:37 AM
Quote from: Kyle on August 10, 2021, 08:22:21 AM
My Shelby 67 Is early vin#0348.
So for my car need's to be without no screws in the center face plate ?
It would be more likely without screws then with screws IMO. Your car was built close to the change over for that detail I think.

So to be correct my guage pod needs to be with no screws on the face plate?
Is these are reproduction or original?
Were can I find original complete guage pod with guages with no screws on the face plate?
1967 Shelby GT350/500 / Re: 67 shelby guages pod
August 10, 2021, 08:22:21 AM
My Shelby 67 Is early vin#0348.
So for my car need's to be without no screws in the center face plate ?
1967 Shelby GT350/500 / Re: 67 shelby guages pod
August 10, 2021, 06:55:20 AM
Yes I think that hole at the back is a past owners modification.
I don't know why.
1967 Shelby GT350/500 / Re: 67 shelby guages pod
August 09, 2021, 12:30:53 PM
Anyone know if it is original or reproduction please?

Here are some more photo.
1967 Shelby GT350/500 / 67 shelby guages pod
August 09, 2021, 08:05:57 AM
I have this Shelby guages pod and I don't know if it is original or reproduction.
Thanks Kyle.
Wanted to Buy / Wanted parts for shelby 67 GT500
July 29, 2021, 01:05:45 PM
I need all original parts 2X4 Cobra air cleaner , dual point distributor (C5AF) dated late 1966 , FE 390GT or 428PI exhaust manifolds dated late 1966 , rear antiwrap up snubbers , pinion snubber , front 2 piece nose fiberglass , C7ZA engine mounts insulators and Big block radiator for automatic dated late 1966.

Thanks Kyle.