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Messages - s2ms

Concours Talk / Re: Classic car batteries
February 05, 2025, 02:11:20 PM
Quote from: Bob Gaines on February 05, 2025, 10:47:57 AMI am skeptical to say the least. Certainly one of them is wrong. I could have said nothing but I didn't want one of our forum members ordering a expensive battery that they could not use on my conscience if I didn't speak up. I do need to buy something that fits . Please let us know after you buy that one that it fits.

Actually I gave up on it this time. The inner battery was encased on the bottom in one inch of rock solid epoxy, also one side. Trying to get it out would have completely destroyed the case IMO. Still interested if the ODS-AGM28 fits though, if I can find one locally I'll measure and report back. The O'Reilly's website does show the same dimensions as Odyssey...
Concours Talk / Re: Classic car batteries
February 05, 2025, 01:40:28 AM
Quote from: Bob Gaines on February 04, 2025, 10:38:27 PMDave, my post is meant to be helpful . You may want to double check your source for what fits inside the repro battery. When I check the specifications for the Odyssey ODS-AGM28 it comes back with 11 X 10 X 8 dimensions. If that is true then it will not come even close to fitting in the group 24 or even the group 27 case.  Even though the picture looks like it will not fit if you go down and click on to the "See more product details" it gives the dimensions .

Bob, interesting. I got my info directly from Odyssey tech support after giving them the dimensions of the battery in my repop Autolite 24F and sending the same photo in reply# 18. They said it matched their ODS-AGM28, info I gave them was 7 x 6.5 x 5, the info on their website matches those dimensions, 6.9 x 6.6 x 5. I'm guessing the Amazon info is wrong?
Concours Talk / Re: Classic car batteries
February 04, 2025, 03:09:39 PM
For anyone wanting to try to replace the inner battery in a repop Autolite case, I was able to find out the battery inside the repop 24F shown in my reply# 18 photo is an Odyssey ODS-AGM28. I assume it would fit in a 27F case as well?
1967 Shelby GT350/500 / Re: GT-350 Rear Drums
February 04, 2025, 03:03:32 PM
PM sent.
Concours Talk / Re: Classic car batteries
January 31, 2025, 05:23:42 PM
Quote from: Bob Gaines on January 30, 2025, 10:46:41 PMI would plan on cutting out the bottom. Don't cut from the side like you did the top but the cut the inside perimeter. That is how I do it. I turn it over and  measuring the thickness  I cut so as to miss the side walls and only cut into the inside perimeter. By cutting on the inside perimeter you will not lose any height. That way you have the option of ether fixing the bottom cut out with a comparable thickness material or leave it cut out.  I am doubtful the cutout will remain intact to reuse once you try and separate it from the epoxy and battery. 

Thanks Bob, I'll give that a shot, at this point I've got nothing to lose...

Quote from: gt350shelb on January 31, 2025, 06:54:29 AMagm batteries do not live long if over charged ..  most new  fords have agm batterys .  they can be recovered if they are dead but it must be a long slow 1 amp charge rate . if they get hot they dry out and then are trash . if you leave them connected and  the clock kills them while they sit in garage they  might only recover 2 times
we have 24 f motorcraft lead acid batterys in both shelbys and one lasted over 10 years in the 65 .

Probably one reason the Autolite repop AMG battery in my 66 lasted almost 16 years. I never, ever charged it because I was concerned about the over charging issue. Just pulled the neg cable when parked and let the stock charging system take care of that when driving.
Concours Talk / Re: Classic car batteries
January 30, 2025, 10:28:15 PM
Was able to open my dead battery case without any trouble from the top. Battery inside is solidly epoxy'd to the bottom so might be tough to get it out without butchering the bottom.

Only sticker I can see says it's made by EnerSys, Inc., no other useful info. Looks like they make Odyessy batteries so assume that's what it is. On a side note Odyssey does have a 24F that has the side tangs to mount on a 65-66 tray.

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Concours Talk / Re: Classic car batteries
January 29, 2025, 03:44:06 PM
The repop 24F (AGM) in my 66 is finally going downhill but no complaints, it's been in the car almost 16 years. Only thing I've ever done is remove the negative cable whenever it sits.

I'm considering cutting the case open and replacing the battery inside. Any recommendations on a quality replacement that fits inside the case?

IMO the color difference can be easily explained by poorer color registration from a late 60's camera plus yellowing of an old photo. Reducing possible yellowing by lowering the red and green channels and it gets closer to an original sapphire blue...

1965 GT350/R-Model / Re: Blue Dot Alignment
January 08, 2025, 07:58:15 PM
If not for this thread I never would have noticed this...

5S383 coming up for auction at Mecum on 1/18/25 has the blue dots aligned 180* from the valve stem...
Awesome, thanks Brian! Ski pole baskets are definitely 60's, also beehive hair style.  8) 
Replicas and Tribute / Re: Roddster's Lil' Red Tribute
December 12, 2024, 12:50:14 PM

Stunning, excellent work!

66 10-spokes are 14-inch. I've found people unfamiliar with wheel dimensions sometimes measure the total OD and quote that, which is 15 inches in this case.
Quote from: Engineer on December 06, 2024, 07:10:22 AMThey are 10 spokes.

At some point, someone put them on a mill or lathe and removed the raised portions (ribbing) of the spokes.

Leaving a flat spoke. If someone wanted to make a fourth, it could be done.

+1, 66 originals. I've seen a few sets done like this, not sure why anyone would want to do it...
Parts For Sale / Re: Rotunda C5AE Stamped Fuel Filters
November 25, 2024, 08:42:53 PM
Both of these latest filters are sold, thank you!
Parts For Sale / Re: Rotunda C5AE Stamped Fuel Filters
November 21, 2024, 01:35:01 PM
Tried replying to your PM but kept getting this error: "PM could not be sent to 'Curt Gowdy' as their inbox is full."

Try emailing me.
