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Topics - CSX4781

Has anyone seen any specifics about the Mustang Club of America 2025 Grand National Show scheduled to for Aug 28-31 in Fredericksburg VA? Beyond the date and town, I've seen no other details about it online (either on the MCA site or the National Capital Region Mustang Club (NCRMC) site).

I have a real quick question; my 69 GT350 convertible,  #362, only has the regular spare tire hold down in the trunk, rather than the combination canister holddown bracket with spring/tire holddown. Did some preliminary research which indicates that bracket (like the one Dead Nuts On sells) didn't appear until maybe April 1969 (around the time the Boss 302 was introduced). Could anyone provide a description, or maybe a good photo, of what the early 69 setup looks like?

Just a couple of things to put on your calendars that are coming up locally over the next couple of months:

- Feb 2, 3 & 4- Asphalt Angels Custom Car Show, Meadow Event Park- Virginia Farm Bureau Center, Doswell VA (across the street from Kings Dominion), go to  for more details.

- March 9 (Saturday)- TRAACA Annual Swap Meet - Nansemond-Suffolk Academy - 3373 Pruden Blvd., Suffolk, VA 23434,

- April 13 (Saturday)- MCT Annual Spring Fling Mustang Birthday Car Show Chesapeake, VA, Cavalier Ford (S. Military Hwy location). More details to follow.

Please pass along to anyone you know that might be interested.

Was digging through some books looking for a part number, and came across this old Maier Racing Catalog. Even though Maier became well known for  their suspension and fiberglass Mustang and Shelby parts, in the beginning, engine parts were the order of the day. Attached a few photos.

A few Shelby and Ford guys showed up at The Farmers Table in Smithfield last Sunday,  including Greg Bradner with his Superformance Mk II, Gil Portalatin with his 69 GT500, Howard Thomas with his 69 GT350 and Tim Kilinski with his 66 GT350. See the photos below.
Yesterday evening, an All Ford Cruise In/Car Show was held at Suffolk Executive Airport in Suffolk VA from 4-8PM. There were about 60-65 cars there (including a bunch from the Southeastern VA SAAC as well as some of my buddies that showed up, including a (surprise) Boss 351). Great weather (low humidity) and a bunch of people. See the below link for my photos from the event. The turnout was surprisingly good (especially considering the big Khedive Temple car show (300+ cars) was held at Greenbrier in Chesapeake yesterday morning (some cars did double duty)). We did well for not hearing about this until a week ago.....

Took me a little while to get to it but see the link below to my photos from All Ford Carlisle back in June. Well attended and lots of vendors and show participants. Bought some pretty cool stuff too, including a Cobra 2-4V setup with the correct carbs, air cleaners and fuel log.

Can anyone out there tell me which block to  bellhousing plate is correct for a 69 GT350 with 4 speed- the perfectly smooth one or the one with the 'smile ' stamped in? My car was disassembled when I bought it and was missing that plate, and I ended up with both of these two, both for the 164 tooth flywheel (I wanted to post a photo but there is a problem attaching a photo for some reason)

See the link below to my photos from Ford Carlisle, good Shelby year:

A list of local and regional events for 2022 that might be of interest to Ford, Mustang and Shelby entusiasts:

  • Feb 4, 5 & 6- Asphalt Angels Car Show, Meadow Event Park, Doswell VA, Asphalt Angels Web Pages
  • Feb 5- Mid Atlantic Bronco Meet, 11:00 AM EST. **DATE CHANGE** 2022 Annual MEB Meet and Greet. The Pickel Barrel Restaurant 12912 Plaza Dr, Henrico, VA 23233-7419 (rescheduled from Jan 22), Mid-Atlantic Early Broncos (MEB) | Facebook
  • April 7-10- Spring Autofair, Charlotte Motor Speedway, Charlotte AutoFair - The Largest Collector Vehicle Event in the Southeast! (
  • April 16 (Tentative)- Mustang Club of Tidewater show, at Cavalier Ford, Chesapeake, more info to follow
  • April 23- Spring Dustoff Car Show at Landstown Commons, VA Beach, open to all makes, 9AM-3PM, 17th Annual Spring Dust Off - Cruisin' thru the Decades | April 23rd — Car Club Council of Hampton Roads (
  • May 8, Jalopyrama Hot Rod Show, Easton MD, featured display- Deuces & Forties , check website periodically for updates Jalopyrama - Hot Rod and Custom Car Show (
  • May 13-15- NHRA Virginia Nationals, Virginia Motorsports Park, Virginia NHRA Nationals will return to Richmond in 2022 | NHRA
  • May 21st - Old School Hot Rodders of Virginia Spring Cruise In & Swap Meet 10am - 4pm at 19621 Namozine Road Sutherland VA 23885. Having been called by some "The Woodstock of Cruise In's" this event is geared toward folks who enjoy the "golden age" of the hot rod car scene: 1950's - 70's. Come see old friends and make new ones with our main goal being to enjoy our cars, share stories from days past and photos from the "good old days" of hot rodding, street racing and drag racing. Expect burn outs, wheel stands and pin up girls! Cars, trucks, rat rods, race cars, project cars and motorcycles 1981 and earlier are more than welcome. We are offering large swap meet / car corral spaces for only $25. Food trucks will be on premise. Rain date May 22nd. For more info call/text Darrell Olgers 804-943-2283 or email See the Facebook group Old School Hot Rodders of Virginia for event details
  • June 3-5, Carlisle Ford Nationals, Carlisle Ford Nationals | Carlisle Events
  • June 11- 54th Annual Richmond Collector Car Show & Swap Meet - Richmond Region AACA - St. Joseph's Villa, 8000 Brook Rd, Richmond, VA 23227 - Featured Cars: Sports Cars!  Judged Car Show, Cruise In & Huge Swap Meet Contact -
  • June 16-18, SAAC-47 @ Indianapolis Motor Speedway, THE National Shelby Convention SAAC-47 National Convention – Indianapolis Motor Speedway (
  • July 7-9, Fairlane Club of America 2022 National Meet, York PA, more info to come
  • July 23, Tidewater Region AACA Annual Swap Meet, Suffolk Nansemond Academy, Rt 460, more info to come.
  • July 23- Mid-Summer Swap Meet and Old School Talent Show Saturday July 23th 10am - 3pm 19621 Namozine Road Sutherland VA 23885. It's time to clean out the hot rod parts from your garage and turn them into cash
  • Aug 6- Southern Knights Car and Bike show, Ricahrd Bland College, Petersburg, Southern Knights Cruisers | Home

    I'm sure there will be more events coming up, but these are the ones I know of so far. Please pass along to anyone that might be interested. I'll try to update it as I get more info. Please forward to those who might be interested.

A small group of early GT350 owners from Eastern and Central VA got together today to make a run up Route 6 from Richmond, through Scottsville and up to a section of the Blue Ridge Parkway south of I-64, ending at The Blue Mountain Brewery in Afton VA for lunch. Larry Barnett, Bob Garland, Greg Bradner and Tim Kilinski drove their 66 and 67 GT350s (I just rode along and took pictures this time). Great company, great weather and great food. Thanks to Tim for organizing this.
The Mustang Club of Tidewater held their annual Spring show this past Saturday (the 57th anniversary of the public introduction of the Mustang), at Cavalier Ford at their Greenbrier location in Chesapeake. Great turnout of cars and people. We had 10 or so cars from the Southeastern Virginia Region SAAC, including the three 66 GT350s (6S135, Hertz 6S846 and 6S1342), as well as a number of Mustangs, a 69 Fairlane Cobra and a 68 Ranchero. Super weather and a low pollen count (for a change) made for a great event, not to mention seeing a lot of old friends.


1965 GT350/R-Model / Factory Rear Sway Bar Kit
August 02, 2020, 05:39:44 PM
Got a question about what appears to be a really obscure factory part; does anyone KNOW what the S1MK-5483-K Rear Stabilizer Bar Kit actually looks like (better yet, does anyone have any pictures of a real one, either installed or laying on the garage floor)? I have a factory invoice that shows two of these sway bar kits being sold to Dale Wood in August 1966. I want to build one for my 1966 Mustang A-Sedan race car that is currently in the middle of a long term refurbishment, and I'd like to put it back to more of a late 60s configuration rather than using a lot of contemporary stuff.

Southeastern Virginia Region SAAC / Ford Carlisle 2020
August 02, 2020, 02:16:22 PM
A number of us from Virginia made the annual trek to Ford Carlisle (albeit a couple of months late....). The number of vendors was down some, but the event was still very well attended, lots of people in the swap area (particularly Friday) and the show area was packed on Saturday. Not a huge number of early Shelbys, but still a number of them (including Jim Walsh's green 66, and Bill Collins inventory in the swap area, as well as a later blue Tiger). Ran into a bunch of the Shelby guys there too.

Sorry for the short notice, the Asphalt Angels are having their big annual indoor custom car show this weekend at Meadow Events Park (just down the road about 1 mile from Kings Dominion, Just off of I-95 north of Ashland VA). Their 58th show, runs till 9PM Saturday night, 6PM Sunday evening, I believe it's $15 to get in. See the link below for more info:

The Southeastern VA SAAC held it's Holiday gathering at my house in Smithfield a week ago Saturday. We had a really good turnout of people (65 or so) and old cars (18 or 20, including Mike Barber's not often seen 69 Boss 302, as well as a number of 66-68 GT350s, Cobra replicas, Mustangs and a two owner 69 Cougar). Tim Kilinski organized a 1-1/2 hour cruise that ended at my house at 430PM (6-7 cars), so naturally it rained at 5PM (only for 15 min or so). Plenty of BBQ and Chili, so no one went away hungry. In addition, a number of my engineers with young children came out, so I had a living room full of kids giving my 1/32 scale slot car set a real workout (the big race was Jerry Titus R-Model vs Wendell Scott's 67 Ford stock car).

A number of us from VA participated in the 2019 GT350 tour at the end of October/early November, which was based in Ridgedale MO at the Big Cedar Lodge, and included four days of driving all over Northwestern Arkansas.

Several member of the Southeastern VA SAAC participated in our December club event, a tour originating at historic Fort Monroe in Hampton VA. Greg and Kristie Bradner planned and led the tour, which ended at their home in Yorktown. We met at the parking lot across from the Chamberlain Hotel, right on the Chesapeake Bay- it was nice and clear, but cool and windy. We had a number of participants and old cars, including Greg and Kristie with their red/gold 66 Hertz, Tim and Leslie Kilinski with their white/blue 66 GT350, Rob and Val Farabaugh with their 68 GT350, Nolan Beck and his wife with their 65 GT350, Tom and Roxanne Bryant with their 69 Fairlane Cobra, Bruce Turlington with his son in law Kenny Bradshaw in Bruce's green Superformance Cobra, Sara Kilinski in her black Cobra replica and me in my blue/white 66 GT350. Joe and Polly Robinson (in their daily) met us at the Bradner's after we arrived. After taking photos at a number of locations on the fort, we drove through Phoebus and Wythe down to Chesapeake Ave which runs along the Hampton Roads (where the famous battle of the ironclads happened during the Civil War), then back through downtown Hampton and up to Yorktown to the Bradner's, where they fed us well. This was more of an urban tour, rather than the country drive we have done in the past, but we were fortunate that traffic is light on weekends in the areas we drove.

Many thanks go out to the Bradners for organizing this event and having us into their home for our December club event.

Made a run down to Charlotte back in August, stopped by the Mustang Owners Museum. The first floor was about 85% full at that time (nothing upstairs yet), may be more in there now. Not much in the Shelby world, but quite a number of interesting Mustangs, well worth the visit.
