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Topics - gjz30075

Regional Shows and Events / Copperstate 1000 GT350
April 08, 2024, 08:11:42 PM
Does anyone know this car and/or owner?   I think the event is this weekend.
SAAC Forum Discussion Area / Montecito show 2017
January 13, 2024, 08:59:03 AM
I was going through some old pictures I have and ran across some I took at a  Montecito show, held in the downtown,  including this '66 GT350.    Anyone here own this car or know the owner?  Just curious.
SAAC Forum Discussion Area / ring and pinion brand?
February 28, 2022, 12:41:45 PM
I'm trying to determine what brand ring and pinion these can be. The ring gear is 35 teeth and
the pinion is 10. However, there are numbers on the ring gear that I don't recognize. They are
39 JG12. Might have to blow up the pic to see it. Also the ring gear looks to be made on the
thin side, to lighten it, I presume.

I don't think these are Ford gears. Does anyone know for sure what brand gears these are?

Regional Shows and Events / Cincinnati Concours
January 31, 2022, 02:47:01 PM
I see the Cincinnati Concours will be featuring, among others, the 60th anniversary of Shelby American

Anyone planning on entering?

It's a week before our Convention.

What was the location of the 'ear less' corner of the rear underride mount?   I know it was cast this way to keep the shock plate and
springs together with one nut, when mounting, but, which one?
While at my local tire store, reading an Architectural Digest featuring Cara Delevingne's house, I was surprised to see she's an owner of a
'66 Hertz.    Without a name cross reference in the newest Registry, I don't know how to find the number, or, it may be a 'owner unknown'.
Regional Shows and Events / Audrain Concours
October 10, 2021, 11:38:00 AM
At about :50 seconds in, there's a white '66 sitting in line for, presumably, a tour.

Anyone on this forum?  If so, please tell us more about this.
SAAC Forum Discussion Area / 65 identification
August 04, 2021, 08:00:26 AM
I have this picture of a Lotus Elan but I'm also interested in the 65, or maybe 66 with R model window,  in the background.   The pic was taken at Blackhawk Farms Raceway in the mid '70s.    I believe the plate that says ST 350 is a Wisconsin plate. 

Could anyone i.d. the car with maybe an owner or Shelby VIN?
Concours Talk / rotunda red oil filter
July 25, 2021, 04:35:14 PM
Hi all,   I've had this filter in my collection for some time now and wonder if it was possible that this type made it to
early Cobra or GT350 production.   The printing you see on the can is all there is.  The 'top' of the can has a
rough finish to it.  What does RLL-9 mean?
I'm reading the Grassroots Motorsports mag's Monterey Guide and I see the Pacific Grove Rotary Concours Auto Rally is being held Aug 16
and is honoring Shelby.   The website says Cobra but I'm not sure if they welcome Shelby Mustangs.  Anyone planning on going?

Wish I could be there.
You guys might have seen this footage before but new to me.   It's the story of the first 25 years of Watkins Glen.  Great racing footage
with Cobra track action at 13:30
I was just watching a live stream of the awards and see two 65s get awards.   One for Best in Class and the other, presumably, 2nd place.
They didn't 'project' the awards presenter's narrative but instead two hosts in the background kept talking about something else.
Anyone know these cars/owners?
Regional Shows and Events / GT350 New York Tour
October 15, 2018, 01:36:23 PM
I just read about this:

Steve M.,  was this the tour you mentioned in Ridgley Car show thread?    If so, how was it overall?
Anyone else go on this tour?   Looks like a great time!
Concours Talk / 66 lower control arm
September 15, 2018, 03:04:52 PM
It looks like I've got a bad ball joint on the rh lower control arm, on my 66.    The arm looks like a Scott Drake repro.    In my
small cache of parts, I find a lower control arm that I'm certain came from a SJ 66 Mustang.    Can you guys verify it's the
real deal and not a repro?   Is there a part number, engineering number or date code on the arm somewhere?

The boot says 'lower' and has a C7xxx part number.

The jacking tabs look much thicker than the alleged SD arm.

If the real deal, I'll get this one restored.   If not, I'll just get another Scott Drake arm, for now.
I found this neat old picture on the HAMB and wondered if anyone knew it/the owner, etc?

SAAC-43 / Friday social event: Cobra Experience
May 15, 2018, 09:59:59 AM
Looking through the SAAC43 website,  I can't seem to find any details on the Friday night social.   Does anyone know if there's
any extra cost involved (can't find it on the Reg. form) .    Where is it going to be?
The Lounge / Where is that video?
April 19, 2018, 02:45:19 PM
Either on V1 forum, or this one, there is a guy with, I think, a '68 and, I think, a KR, who won numerous awards over several
years and then decided to start driving it.    He made a really cool video taken mostly from a drone, of him driving down a
lonely road.    Can anyone link me to this video?
I'd like to flush the braking system on 2249 just as preventive maintenance thing,  but I don't know what kind of brake fluid is in it now.     
I pulled a bit out and put it on a painted piece of metal and after several hours, no paint was peeling  up.   This tells me it MIGHT be
silicone, so I'm just wondering,  is there a better litmus test for brake fluid or have I just done it?   
Up For Auction / 6S001 at BJ
January 21, 2018, 05:40:23 AM
Whoa!  $605,000
SAAC Forum Discussion Area / Posting pictures
January 20, 2018, 05:24:42 PM
So, I posted a pic of my 66 in the 'post pictures' thread and the pic came from my computer.   It's small and requires one to click on
it to enlarge.    As I remember, on the old forum, those are the kind that go black after a while.     I also see quite large pics that have
been posted and  don't require one to click on it and they look great.    For those of you doing this, are the pics on a hosting site?    What site(s) are you using?