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Topics - J_Speegle

1966 Shelby GT350/GT350H / Calling Some Hertz Owners
November 07, 2023, 06:39:31 PM
A question had come up and some of us are discussing a small detail related to 66 Hertz cars equipped with the Mico master cylinders.

Would like to conduct this one in a private way as to not taint the data pool but we will share the results.

So if you have had or have a car as described above I invite you to PM or email me for what we're looking for.

Basic stuff we will be collecting to log the data will be the car's Shelby VIN if it is Restored - Unrestored - or Somewhere in the middle  ::)
Then a couple of questions we hope you can provide information about.

Thank you all for reading and especially those that participate. You make worth it  :)
Rather than add this response to another thread on a somewhat related but different focus I thought I would respond to a question asked there in this new thread out of respect for the OP in the other

Original thread -

Now the question

Quote from: shelbymann1970 on January 19, 2023, 07:14:00 AM
Jeff, I should have asked a question of you when I posted. I posted pics of my friends original boss9. That "purple" color can be seen pretty much front to back underneath in my pics. My question is would that "purple" also transcend up to the rear cross panel since it is on the vertical trunk drop offs? If so would a car that had a black underside(batch) possibly also have that black up to some degree behind the rear valance? ............................

Will try and keep this short since the thread focus is a bit different. Remember that the jets applying were attached below the moving unibody so as far as we know they did not tilt or move during the application. This would have limited access or at least reduced it in some areas, pockets and cavities. Also, would depend on how the triggers for this application were adjust that day. Were they adjusted to stop before the rear cross member or later. Possibly creating issues with  application of the color onto the following body. Application and the process was not perfect so we find examples with little, light or no paint in the rear pockets while in other cases better coverage And of course if the spray was directed at an angle or straight upward  that would affect what we're seeing today also.  So yes, in some cases I've documented some cars with some spray, from below on the bottom edge (horizontal) of the rear cross member while others light if it was there originally. But it would likely only have a little if any overspray form this application on the vertical rear facing surface of that cross member of the floor color. This is possibly the reason they galvanized this piece also since a fair amount might be exposed with no coating.

As far as "behind the rear valance" that was not on the car when the floor color was being applied the above description should address that for this discussion

Here are two extremes First one where the jets were adjusted to stop well before the spray reached the rear of the floor and cross member. Bare metal for maybe the last 10 inches or more. Floor and rear frame rails were treated differently so that is the reason one likely developed surface rust while the other remained fairly fresh looking surface though the surface details have altered since new

This car had the typical dark grey/blueish floor color application. Exterior color a blue.

And a second where the jets appear to spray at a slight reward angle so they reached into the rear cross member pockets so they almost reached the interior/frotn surface of the rear cross member. Notice the arrows and bare metal surfaces. This angle would insure that no paint from this application would get on the vertical surface of the rear of the cross member. This example used the red oxide colored epoxy primer sealer  floor color. Exterior color was a green

The two pictures above are from different years and plants but used to illustrate the range of possibilities and the day to day practices. Allot of unrestored cars don't look this clean nor are the details as clear as these two and for that reason they were chosen for this purpose. Top picture is of a 69 while the lower is a 68 if your wondering
Wanted to Buy / Dec 65 289 Hipo Balancer
October 06, 2022, 11:39:28 PM
Looking for a Dec 65 balancer. Don't need something with heavy pitting or been beat with a hammer  ::) For personal car - not for resale. Do have a fresh (sold to me as new/NOS) spring 66 balancer for trade if that helps.

Thanks for looking
Thought I would share a somewhat recent article related to the basic top loader 4 speed paint markings. The article was assembled to cover not just Ford top loaders installed in Shelby's but also for the 64-70 Mustangs.  Hope that owners and builders of Shelbys will identify the details that apply to their cars and find the information useful. As a reminder paint markings at shows are not required for many classes and incorrect ones can be deducted for. Make sure that ALL the other important details and finishes are correct before you worry about paint marks. Paint marks do not make up for shortcomings or non-original choices

Hope this helps others. Enjoy
Concours Talk / Decoding Date Codes Article
March 21, 2021, 07:07:15 PM
Owners and builders often have questions about how to interpret date coding found on parts that make up our cars and because of this we often see questions related to the subject pop up from time to time on the forums. Since the parts were made at many different plants and by sub-contractors also the patterns can and often vary even over time. Thought I would share an article that was first published about five years ago and has seen eleven updates since then, adding new items and refining information. Hope the information contained within is helpful to those in need.

It's fifty four pages long so please be patient as it loads. Tried to get the file as small as possible to help it load quickly not sure if I'm happy with the changes that took place during that conversion but it is what it is for the moment. Happy reading :)
The subject came up in a recent thread so thought we could start a new thread focusing on just the change of fitting connection style and the change in date code pattern found on the original master cylinders. I would invite anyone that wants to contribute to include the style of fitting connect and the date code (as cast not decoded) from the bottom of the main body. Pictures and further explanation are shown in a thread on CMF where a similar thread was posted as part of a larger 66 San Jose Running Changes Thread

1965 GT350/R-Model / 65 Grill Support Hardware
July 11, 2020, 09:52:39 PM
Anyone have a picture of original hardware used to secure the grill support panel - both at the radiator support and grill end? Don't have pictures of these and would like to add them to the collection.

Don't know the parts or seller - Just saw this and thought I would post it here.

" I have alot of Part's off a original 289 cobra csx # 2046 - $4000 (Auburn)

image 8 of 8

2046 original 289 parts.front frame section off csx 2046 Inter engine bay aprons. All trunk original components exhaust and templates 4000. Best offer"
Thought it might be interesting to discuss the 66 GT350 portion of the film.  Clips are numbered so that we can focus on the same clip. The clip notes are simply my observation at the moment and I invite other opinions and especially observations of the same clip. Hopefully this will benefit us all.

If you would also like to focus on the particular section of the film the clips were taken from here is the link again to the full film. Guess someone else can start discussions of other parts of the film in an appropriate section of this site if they wish

First set of clips for consideration


Did use the program I used to process the clips to improve the contrast and brightness to hopefull help us see details better. If you find this a concern we can go to the screen captures and shown originally in the film with no adjustment.

Parking Lot 1


Look;s like a shot of a group of dark 66 GT350's with bright wheels possibly suggesting Magnum 500's and possibly a group of Hertz cars. All cars in shot have LeMans stripes

Barely in the shot on the right is a white car and what appears to be a small table.

As would be expected there is no evidence in the picture of the factory tie down sticker on the rear valance


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Next chapter/article as promised.

Not specifically a 65 Shelby's only document but our cars share the same details as a Mustang produced there if you pay attention to production periods.  You will note that it does not reflect the changes/modifications made at SA but those are few in this part of the assembly of the cars. Hope this helps others

This is an article I've written and rewritten a dozen times over many years. Found it was easier to have a prepared document when I got questions related to the subject rather than going through the whole thing every time. It proved to be a challenge as your always discovering new details, sub patterns and such along the way so it has only been share privately in the past since I never felt it was finished. Not sure anything I do is completely

Also just limiting the coverage to one area of the car was sort of difficult when you want to help and describe everything that was going on at that point at the car plant.  See allot of related requests here so thought it would be a good time to try and wrap it up then focus on some of the other years and plants. Hope some here find it useful in there related endeavors.

This will be updates as new information is discovered and accepted as well as mistakes, typos and such are found which I'm sure many of you will find.  I invite anyone to send me typos and issues since these all sort of start looking very similar and plenty of other things going on that can take my focus away just at the wrong time :)

For those that are also members of CMF the article is also located in the Library there with all the other articles listed by model year

Its a fairly large file with plenty of pictures and the storage site is slow so will take some time to load. Be patient  :)

Hope it helps others

Thanks for looking
As an offer to those attending SAAC 43 with their 65-67 cars I will again be attending with some of my assembly line stamps, specifically for this purpose my paint inspector ones, as I have for over a decade. 

Thought I might be a little more organized this year, so if your attending and your interested in having the paint inspector stamps applied to your car send me an email or PM and we'll try and arrange a time and place at the track on Friday, to get these done.  Takes very little time.  (I know someone is going to mention sentence structure – sorry  ::)

And as always the San Jose paint inspector stamping is free.  I would rather help you get some that are accurate then try and guess from a picture or settle for something just close.

Just trying to help where I can. See you there and have a safe trip!!
Next chapter/article as promised.

Not specifically a 65 Shelby's only document but our cars share the same details as a Mustang produced there if you pay attention to production periods.  You will note that it does not reflect the changes/modifications made at SA but those are few in this part of the assembly of the cars. Hope this helps others

This is an article I've written and rewritten a dozen times over many years. Found it was easier to have a prepared document when I got questions related to the subject rather than going through the whole thing every time. It proved to be a challenge as your always discovering new details, sub patterns and such along the way so it has only been share privately in the past since I never felt it was finished. Not sure anything I do is completely

Also just limiting the coverage to one area of the car was sort of difficult when you want to help and describe everything that was going on at that point at the car plant.  See allot of related requests here so thought it would be a good time to try and wrap it up then focus on some of the other years and plants. Hope some here find it useful in there related endeavors.

This one is still marked as a draft. Will be updates as new information is discovered and accepted as well as mistakes, typos and such are found which I'm sure many of you will find.  I invite anyone to send me typos and issues since these all sort of start looking very similar and plenty of other things going on that can take my focus away just at the wrong time :)

For those that are also members of CMF the article is also located in the Library there with all the other articles listed by model year

Its a Big file with plenty of pictures so will take some time to load. Be patient  :)

Hope it helps others

Thanks for looking
A repost from before the crash

Not specifically related to 69-70 Shelby's only but thought I would share this over here.

This is an article I've written and rewritten a dozen times over 20 years. Found it was easier to have a prepared document when I got questions related to the subject rather than going through the whole thing every time. It proved to be a challenge as your always discovering new details, sub patterns and such along the way so it has only been share privately in the past since I never felt it was finished. Not sure anything I do is completely

Also just limiting the coverage to one area of the car was sort of difficult when you want to help and describe everything that was going on at that point at the car plant.  See allot of related requests here so thought it would be a good time to try and wrap it up then focus on some of the other years and plants. Hope some here find it useful in there related endeavors.

For those that are also members of CMF, the article is also located in the Library with all the other articles, listed by model year

Its a BIG file with plenty of pictures so will take some time to load. Be patient  :)

New versions will be uploaded and the link changed when new versions are published but these updates will be unannounced so always compare the version numbers

Hope it helps others

Thanks for looking
1966 Shelby GT350/GT350H / Rearend metal ID tags
February 12, 2018, 08:18:35 PM
Since the subject came up in the For Sale section I thought I would post a picture that had been previously posted before the crash in hope that it helps others. Realize that the tags show both gear ratios and include a date code so your tag will likely be different

Been asked a number of times since the new site has gotten back on its feet to repost so here it is

Not specifically 69 Shelby's only document so read through it carefully there are some variables. Hope this helps others

This is an article I've written and rewritten a dozen times over 20 years. Found it was easier to have a prepared document when I got questions related to the subject rather than going through the whole thing every time. It proved to be a challenge as your always discovering new details, sub patterns and such along the way so it has only been share privately in the past since I never felt it was finished. Not sure anything I do is completely

Also just limiting the coverage to one area of the car was sort of difficult when you want to help and describe everything that was going on at that point at the car plant.  See allot of related requests here so thought it would be a good time to try and wrap it up then focus on some of the other years and plants. Hope some here find it useful in there related endeavors.

Will be updates as new information is discovered and accepted as well as mistakes, typos and such are found

Free storage sites can be a pain. Currently they are limiting the size of the file so had to post the article in two parts. (total over 40 megs-16 pages) Need to find a better solution long term as I have an Article that is over 55 pages I would like to share, but currently its uploaded on this NZ site. Sorry it takes a while for it to load on your computer

For those that are also members of CMF the article is also located in the Library there with all the other articles listed by model year

Its a Big file with plenty of pictures so will take some time to load. Be patient  :)  Takes me about 2+ minutes before its visible on a average day

Hope it helps others

Thanks for looking
Been asked a number of times since the new site has gotten back on its feet to repost so here it is

Not specifically 66 Shelby's only document but our cars share the same details as a Mustang produced there if you pay attention to production periods. Hope this helps others

This is an article I've written and rewritten a dozen times over 20 years. Found it was easier to have a prepared document when I got questions related to the subject rather than going through the whole thing every time. It proved to be a challenge as your always discovering new details, sub patterns and such along the way so it has only been share privately in the past since I never felt it was finished. Not sure anything I do is completely

Also just limiting the coverage to one area of the car was sort of difficult when you want to help and describe everything that was going on at that point at the car plant.  See allot of related requests here so thought it would be a good time to try and wrap it up then focus on some of the other years and plants. Hope some here find it useful in there related endeavors.

Will be updates as new information is discovered and accepted as well as mistakes, typos and such are found

For those that are also members of CMF the article is also located in the Library there with all the other articles listed by model year

Its a Big file with plenty of pictures so will take some time to load. Be patient  :)

Hope it helps others

Thanks for looking
Figured we could start this thread after the great loss.  So who will be the first?   :)