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Topics - Cobrask8

Got the date for the 2025 event!

Sunday, April 13, 9AM to Noon, back at the marina again!

Combined with Team Shelby, Open to all Ford, Coffee and donuts.

More details as they unfold.
I have one, gifted to me 30 years ago. Just need to dig it out.

I will sell, but looking to set a value.

First meeting of 2025!

Welcome to 2025!!! And our club's 30th year in existence! Time flies......

Right off the bat, our first meeting of the year. Monday eve, Feb 3 7:00 PM at Tom Paxson's Shelby's Pub. Please RSVP Tom –
It's always a big meeting, ratifying the club charter, setting up the club calendar, club business for 2025 plus reviewing 2024. I'll also have budgets and financial reviews. Some other things as well. And Pizza! BYOB.
Swap Meet / FREE Convention Shirts & Hats
December 14, 2024, 07:59:38 AM
Adult SMALL size, un-used, years shown in picture. Hats are standard size.

Free, you pay S&H, and next time you see me, buy me a beer or ice cream!

Shelby Day, special parking inside gate for Shelby cars, demo drives of CSX2287, GT-40's, VIP's, more!
Lehigh Valley Region SAAC / Snakes on the Mountain 2025
November 11, 2024, 11:10:48 AM
Saturday, June 14, 2025

60th Anniversary of the GT-350

Shelby, Ford, Viper, Ferrari's welcome

More details to come!
Lehigh Valley Region SAAC / November 18 2024 Club Meeting
November 11, 2024, 11:09:03 AM
Monday eve, Nov 18 at 7:00 PM, at Tom Paxson's Shelby's Pub

Wrap up of 2024 and launch of 2025



Please RSVP Tom -
Sunday, Sept 22, 2024

Expanded Class list,  same great location, join us!

Current show flyer attached, weather is looking great, please join us!

All details on the flyer
Our Summer meeting, different night to try to accommodate everyone's schedules. Start at 7PM as usual, try to get it done. Review the last two months, plush the big push for our Fall Show and Road tour, plus SAAC-49/TSECGN and more.

Join us!
SAAC-49 / SAAC-49 Open Track Info
June 19, 2024, 12:27:40 PM
I seem to be known as the track guy, getting lots of questions about what is needed. So, here is the link to the SAAC website with all the information you need to know.  Please note some of the requirements are not made by SAAC, rather NJMP rules. I run there all the time, so I am aware. Please read and prepare before you leave, so you have no surprises at the track.

Please note the statements on helmets, long sleeves, and gloves. We cannot be responsible for you not doing your prep properly.

Also for your own neck health - 5 & 6 point belts in Cobras, Kits, track cars= HANS recommended.

Cautionary note - Mixing an Airbag equipped car with a 5-point harness WILL result in driver injuries in case of an impact with the bags going off.

Here is the link to the documents:

I instruct and run at NJMP 6-10 times a year, all groups who rent the track must follow the rules. I'm just trying to help out and avoid any dilemmas later.
Monday eve May 20, 7:00 PM at Tom Paxson's Shelby's Pub.

Pizza, BYOB, review and preview of club events.

Tom - for RSVP and dirtections
Another of the Club's annual events. Within Bow-and-Arrow range of Cabella's! Enjoy the cars, then get some new gear.

Flyer attached with the details
Time for our club's oldest annual event - Snakes on the Mountain! This started off as a 1995 "No-Nothing" at Denny Blocker's Harley Dealership, it rained, one car!!!

The event has grown, morphed, transformed, moved around, grown, shrunk, and gotten tastier over the years.

Attached is the flyer for this year's event, hosted by Denny and Joyce Blocker at their hillside retreat. Featured this year is the Cobra's spawn, the Viper. Looks to be quite an interesting look at these V-10 snakes!

Click on the attached flyer for more info
Remembering on today  the pranks Rick would pull!

Post your favorite
Many of us were invited to a special birthday Party for Chuck Cantwell. He just turned 29 again!

His family coordinated with 3-Dog Garage in Boyertown PA and put on an amazing birthday party Saturday afternoon. The guest list was a proverbial Who's Who in the Shelby world including SAAC Board of directors, Rick Kopec, many important SAAC folks (myself included!), as well as special VIP's Aaron Shelby, Gary Patterson, and more. Also present were Penske Race team members from Chuck's tenure there, plus family friends.

As usual, Chuck was extremely humble, not wanting to be in the spotlight.

HUGE Kudos to the Cantwell Falily for putting this together. It was truly a special afternoon!

Link to Bill Caron's Social Media post:

Many others have also posted, do a Facebook search for additional pictures.

Follow the above link to the event

Sunday morning March 17 10AM to Noon, S&S Speedways in Stroudsburg PA

$45 per driver

Please respond here with names, guests welcome

Working on the Schedule for 2024!

So Far in the works:

February - Club Dinner
March - Go Karts
April - Shelby Cars & Coffee Spring Dust-Off
June - Cars & Coffee - Manderbach Ford
June - Snakes on the Mountain
July - SAAC-49
September - Cars & Coffee - Ray Price Ford
September - Annual Shelby & Musclecars Car Show
Octorber - Snakes on the Road - PA Fall road tour
Yes, wear your boldest red, white, and blue!!!

Monday eve at Tom Paxson's, 7:00 start. We'll have pizza, byob if you have a favorite.

Lots to do, plan 2024!

Please RSVP Tom -