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Messages - steveh

Thanks Mr Wedgeman & Bob Gaines.
I see now how it is supposed to be fitted up
Yes i have the short rubber hoses on each end of the vacuum line, but the bends do not match the contour of the transmission.
I'll have to get the brass fitting from Mansfield Mustang

Thanks again, Steve
Thank you for that information. I suspected it went there but could not find any pictures confirming it.
The problem was that the vacuum line that I got from NPD can no way connect the modulator to the back of the intake manifold without re-bending
it quite a lot.
Shelby VIN # 1905
Built :   4/12 /67
Does anyone  have any detailed photos of :

1)  The vacuum connection on the back of the inlet manifold to brake booster.
2)  The vacuum pipe on the auto transmission (modulator)  to its connection point : where does it connect to get its vacuum supply? The part supplied by NPD gives no indication as to where it connects.
3)  Detailed photos of the connection of the front carburetor heat pipe to the exhaust manifold. This activates the choke I believe.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks Steve