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Messages - pbf777

From the article: "The 1982-up style one-piece rear main seal will work on a BOSS crank. Although engine builders tend to lube the seal lip, never lube the seal lip. It goes on dry. (Image/Jim Smart)"  :o

     Although I realize that this is not truly an in-depth comprehensive article with step-by-step instruction for either the required machine work or the proper assembly of, but I just wanted to dispute this statement so as others would not follow this recommendation.   

     Take my word for it, the seal is not intended to be installed or run dry!  As one of the respondents said: "Good luck with that"  ;)

     And yes, I tried it..........once.........(after all, it's said one should try anything/everything at least once, right?  ???) and experienced exactly what one would expect with rubbing going on and a lack of lubrication, functional failure; and the discomfort of having to replace the seal shorty (very shorty) after the start-up event!  :(  I went ahead and completed the first break-in running, just placed a drip pan under the engine as it was pouring pretty good.   ::)

Quote from: TOBKOB on October 13, 2022, 09:48:50 PM
The Henry Ford Company became Cadillac Automobile Co. after the stockholders booted Henry and he then formed Ford Motor Co in 1903.

      But there is more to the story!   ???

     The investors of the defunct Henry Ford Company hired Henry Leland, who yes formed Cadillac Motor Co. from the remnants, but which was later purchased by General Motors and then Leland left Cadillac (more importantly G.M.) and then formed the Lincoln Motor Company, which was later purchased by Henry Ford as it became insolvent.   :)

     All in a big circle, or perhaps "what goes around comes around" might be applicable.   ::)

Florida Region SAAC / Re: Hurricane Preparedness 2022
September 27, 2022, 11:34:48 AM

                                                           WELCOME TO FLORIDA!

Up For Auction / Re: 65/66 T10-someone got a deal
September 23, 2022, 02:04:04 PM
Quote from: FL SAAC on September 23, 2022, 08:32:59 AM
Welcome to Florida

     I am, an original "Cracker", since the middle of the last century!  ;)

     But it's this new age of over the internet business dealings which have been adopted with no other possible recourse if one wishes to participate in our society today, none; and if one really gets down to the nitty-gritty, 'none' are truly proper and legally enforceable.  For example, just read the fine print on your credit card contract where it states in so many words: any transaction where the card and the named card holder are not present is not legitimate, and in such instances it will up to the discretion of the lender to determine which if any of such transactions they will chose to honor and how!   ???

     But with the adopted processes it's all about "easy", "convenient" and "simple", it seems this is the key to any successful business model today; regardless of if it might be right or even an establish legal process.  And while speaking of "legal", for those who have been involved in the process of "E-Signature", whether it be the signing for a Fed-Ex delivery, your controlled substances (not always dope! ::)) at the drug store, or say the Title Deed transfer of real property, all with a signature on the electronic screen, that looks no more like one's own true signature than something that might have created by a three year old on their Etch-A-Sketch!   :o

     So, welcome to the 'New World'; run by the young and naive with the goal of simplicity of life!   ::)

Up For Auction / Re: 65/66 T10-someone got a deal
September 22, 2022, 09:05:25 PM
     The gag is generally that the item does exist, it just turns out to be a piece of junk not worth anything near what's been paid for it!  When dissatisfied you contact them, the seller will say: "no problem, just send it back", the problem arises when they instruct that you have to send back to Australia!  :o  After you establish what the freight is going to cost, you just surrender to the fact that you've been had!  :(  And you can't leave bad feedback because the seller will rebut that they are cooperating fully and completely, and a refund will be returned just as soon as they receive the item back; reasonable right!   ::)

     In the instance I experienced, the seller turned out to be an airline pilot who frequently flew back and forth from Australia; he had a partner in the game there who's physical address you would be given for a return, and they would happily receive the item if you spent the dime to ship it back, then the item would just fly back to the U.S. freight free as 'carry-on' of the pilot, or any other flight personnel (as it may have done the first time getting here :-\), then to be shipped from here, as it's cheaper for them and your more likely to buy it if it 's here, to the next buyer until it stays sold!   >:(

     But in my instance, with a lot of frustrating dialog and being that we had a rather large ebay store at the time, ebay realized the value in our point of view on the subject and credited our account fully, they picked-up the item, and they shipped it back to Australia for the refund!   8)     

Up For Auction / Re: 65/66 T10-someone got a deal
September 22, 2022, 04:54:28 PM
Quote from: Rickmustang on September 22, 2022, 04:28:35 PM
......... if legit.

     I would be very cautious of these ebay listings which appear to originate out of country, but with product locations from within county; as I got tied-up in such an instance of an Australian listing with a California shipping from point, that turned out badly!   :-[ :'(


      I would need to read the fine print on their definition of the "bullet"; as I could show up with the Solothurn model S-18-1000, with it's 20MM armor-piercing tungsten carbine projectile (aka. "bullet")!   8)   I think it would prove to be a thru & thru both sides incident (hopefully the back-drop is clear!  :o ), and probably need a broom to collect up the cash!   ;)

      Anybody got a copy of the with the 'fine print' spelled out?    ::)


Parts For Sale / Re: Hipo 289
September 06, 2022, 11:41:08 AM
     Are these O.E.M. Ford (Hi-Po) main caps?  :-\

     Those are found in several locations and in other block castings as they are fixturing for holding the casting boxes together and become trapped in the pouring where they are then abandoned.   :)

     Don't worry, it'll reappear in the future, perhaps it'll need to pass through a few owners, but then without any comment of being a 're-body'...........count on it!   :o

Quote from: shelbymann1970 on August 25, 2022, 03:45:47 PM
While we talk about rebodied cars being illegal and such how many rebodied Shelbys-especially 65-66s- are running around these days?

     Just because "everyone else" is speeding, doesn't nullify your 10 M.P.H. over the posted limit citation!   ::)

     And a couple of MECUM (Orlando) auctions ago didn't a "re-bodied" '65-'66 Shelby get pulled from the auction?  I believe the reason stated was "paper-work" issues"?    :-\

Quote from: 427hunter on August 25, 2022, 11:55:23 AM switches are illegal.

     As a "Re-Body" vehicle, technically, legality wise, it is an illicit example of a vehicle by law; worth at most as that of a Shelby clone and or the sum of it's parts; at worst it gets confiscated by the Government and crushed with at best without compensation, and at worst addition legal fees, fines and though unlikely even the potential for period of incarceration!   :o

The Lounge / Re: NOT related to cars...
August 11, 2022, 03:36:59 PM

     I have the 4-channel 8-track stereo system the family bought in the early '70's still playing everyday in our shop.   8)


Quote from: tahart on July 28, 2022, 03:19:00 PM
Yes, both the counter weight and scj pulley were replaced, which means the scj crank and those heavy rods are gone also.

    This is not necessarily correct, as the damper in each instance, though are of different masses for harmonic inertial vibration dampening effect, carry no imbalance value, popularly termed as neutral, and the "hatchet" was/is often removed in a balancing effort if only as it is popular to attempt to carry counter-weight internally versus hung out on the crank snout.   :)

    Not to mention, how may times I've seen were someone just installed the wrong parts for those needing replacement or were missing previously.   :o

    Meaning................ :-\  you really won't know what you've got until you pull the pan and look!  ;)

Up For Auction / Re: 6S694 - Bring A Trailer
July 25, 2022, 12:28:51 PM
Quote from: 557 on July 25, 2022, 03:44:30 AM
Paid $6k for mine(in 82) .I think I'll be o.k.... 8)

     Just remember '82 was forty years ago!  If 'properly' invested then, and managed profitably until today (to bad you couldn't get investment tips from Nancy Pelosi  ::) ), where would you be in monetary value now?   ???
