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Messages - fm hipo gt 1966

From french local website, probably you saw this already
Quote from: fm hipo gt 1966 on March 21, 2020, 06:35:52 AM
Jacques Anquetil : 5 times winner of Tour de France cyclist.
He did the Monte Carlo Rallye with the Mustang at the time

Jacques Anquetil : 5 times winner of Tour de France cyclist.
He did the Monte Carlo Rallye with the Mustang at the time
In Epoq'Autos in Lyon - France last month
Up For Auction / Re: Alan Mann Mustang
December 01, 2019, 03:38:23 PM
I am surprised it is still on sale but you are right, the asking price is a big stopper from my point of view.
SAAC Forum Discussion Area / Re: Random car pictures
August 12, 2019, 11:40:22 AM
It is french not italian and yes it means follow me!
Last Sunday, including castle visit with US Car regional club.
The Lounge / Re: Notre Dame Cathedral
April 29, 2019, 02:52:54 PM
Quote from: deathsled on April 28, 2019, 08:57:00 PM
Hello Gentlemen:

I just finished writing a recording a piece I wrote in dedication to the Notre Dame Cathedral fire.  Thought I would preview it here for the first time.  Feel free to have a listen at your leisure.  Writing music is so much more satisfying than practicing law.  But we all have to make a living, right?  Written and performed on my Steinway B Crown Jewel.

Best wishes to the people of France and Europe.

Richard E.

Very good ! Hoping you will be able to play it directly from the organ of Notre-Dame....which has been saved.

Thanks to the firemen, many things, objects, paintings and sculptures were saved.
There would be a lot of debate on the rebuilding obviously. And there are many know-how and expertise in France and around the world to do it properly whatever the option would be.
A picture from last September during a tour in Pilat park South of Lyon.
Very nice places.
Last week-end near Lyon - France.
A special event for US cars before 1970 in a very nice place.
A special park for Mustang was prepared.
Ford GT / Re: Le Mans 2018
June 17, 2018, 02:36:12 PM
I think you are right.
Porsche is part of the VW group.
In term of is another story I think.
Ford GT / Re: Le Mans 2018
June 17, 2018, 12:24:58 PM
VW belongs to Porsche.
I don't think environmental norms are looked at for the race, neither a program to play with emissions.
Note that in GT AM, Porsche won also with the 10kgs weight.
I believe there were a lack of chance for Ford, especially when safety car went on the track at the same time the Ford GT (1rst at the time, just after having overtaken the 2 Porsche - Allez Sébasien Bourdais!) was at the pit lane. Same lack of chance with other safety cars and yellow flags time during the rest of the race.
Ford GT / Re: Le Mans 2018
June 16, 2018, 07:16:56 AM
This one was there as well :

The Lounge / Re: Photo Posting Poll
June 09, 2018, 03:31:03 AM
Even a french guy succeeded to post pictures, come on guys, do your best, not intuitive but working well.
Thank you for the forum and to those who maintain it.