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Topics - Richstang

There were several Shelby's here that got me all worked up. I didn't even have my driver's license yet.
(taken with a lowly 110mm pocket camera)

Edit: I was just reminded that the stock cars were shown on Sundays. Saturdays had all the custom and street rods

Dark moss green

I've looked for it, clicked on personal messages, but only see the Inbox.

Is there a method for getting to the Outbox that I haven't figured out yet?

1966 Shelby GT350/GT350H / 66 GT350 photo with MFG plate
February 22, 2018, 06:40:06 PM
I just came across this really sharp B&W photo that appears to be vintage '66 from the correct tires, MFG plate, and overall background.

The rocker panel has the same paint scrapes as we see on 5r539 (the 1967 Lemans raced R model) in vintage photos.
I've never seen this area so scraped up on any other car until this photo showed up.
(edit; photo was found on the highdef forum page 1004, posted by Lee Stewart)

And perhaps more importantly, thankfully wasn't!

The one and only "Little Red" in what is believed to be it's later updated version with numerous '68 styled features added such as;
-grille surround chrome trim, raised taillight panel painted silver, and the "SHELBY" letter added across the rear deck lid

These are the only 4 pictures I've ever seen of "Little Red". If anyone has better version of these or different photos of it please post them here.

front views

Shelby American Racing / Shelby "Trans Am" racing history
February 12, 2018, 09:09:00 PM
Here's my list of cars in the TA series starting with 1966.
Please let me know if any corrections or updates are needed. I would like to add a note for each Shelby car number

1966 Trans Am Race Schedule (7 Races)

3-25-66 Sebring, FL 4 Hour Int'l Touring Race; 350 miles
#1 Dick Thompson 26th OA, 4th TA (independent)
#4 AJ Foyt DNF 35th OA
#5 Ed Diamond DNF 28th OA (independent)

6-12-66 "Mid-America 300" Wentzville, MO; 300 miles
#56 Tom Yeager-Bob Johnson 1st OA, 1st O class (Kennedy Ford - dark blue)
#? John McComb-Pete Talbert 7th OA, 3rd O class (Shelby #3)
#22 Russ Norburn-Pete Feistman DNF 22nd OA, 8th O class (Shelby #10; 1st T/A race)
#? Fred Van Beuren-Dale Wood DNF 24th OA, 9th O-class

7-10-66 "Bryar 250" Motorsports Park; Loudon, NH 250 miles
#34 Tom Yeager-Bob Johnson 4th OA, 2nd O class
#77 Peter Lake-Skip Barber 6th OA, 3rd O class (Shelby #11)
#57 Russ Norburn-Pete Feistman 10th OA, 5th O class (Shelby #10; 2nd race)
#19 Pete Talbert - S. Whitney Griswold DNF 17th OA, 6th O class (Shelby #3)
#36 Robert Arego-Ken Duclos DNF 18th OA, 7th O class

7-31-66 "VIR 400" Alton, VA; 400 miles
#34 Tom Yeager-Bob Johnson 1st OA, 1st O class (independent)
#57 Russ Norburn-Pete Feistman 2nd OA, 2nd O class (Shelby #10; 3rd race)
#77 Peter Lake-Curtis Turner 22nd OA, 5th O class (Corcoran Ford - red) (Shelby #11)
#22 Dick Thompson-Jim Sutter DNF 26th OA, 6th O class suspension damage (independent)
#5 Ed Diamond-Sherman Decker DNF 35th OA, 9th O class (Nagle Ford) (independent)

8-14-66 "The Great Race" 12hr Marlboro, Maryland
#3 Tom Yeager-Bob Johnson-Don Sesslar 9th OA, 5th O class
#12 Jim Sutter-Dick Thompson-Ed Lowther 15th OA, 6th O class
#? Fred Van Beuren DNF 26th OA?
#? Dale Wood DNF 27th OA?
#? Phil Halbert DNF 32nd OA?
#? Peter Gregg wrecked (Shelby #10; last race wrecked)???

9-10-66 "Pan American Endurance Race" 6hr Green Valley Raceway; Smithfield, TX
#33 John McComb-Brad Brooker 1st OA, 1st O class (Shelby #12: 8/24/66 Turner Ford Wichita KS)
#? Don Pike-John Timanus 10th OA, 5th O class
#8 Fred Van Bueren-Ruben Nonoa DNF wreck 26th OA
#14 Dale Wood-Gary Dundas DNF wreck 27th OA
#? Phil Halbert DNF 32nd OA
#? Pete Talbert DNF (Shelby #3)

9-18-66 Riverside, California 4hr
#1 Jerry Titus (Canwell?)  1st OA, 1st O class (Shelby #9)
#14 Ron Dykes-Steve Froines 3rd OA, 3rd O class (Shelby Prototype)
#33 John McComb-Brad Brooker 4th OA, 4th O class (Shelby #12)
#69 Don Pike - Scooter Patrick 10th OA, 7th O class (DNF starter failed)?
#3 Bob James-Doug Hooper 15th OA, 9th O class (Cutter Ford) (independent)
#10 Phil Halbert 17th OA, 10th O class
#9 Ray Wolff-Chuck Cantwell DNF 26th OA (Hi-Performance Motors - red)
#4 Bill Jones-Bob West DNF 33rd OA (Up Tight Racing)
We might as well bring this old forum thread back to track flat gas emblem cars. The total numbers have been noted as low as 60 to just over 100. Here is the list of cars noted to have them (or had them originally, but were replaced in restoration). Car #0082 with its 12/13/66 SA completion date is the latest date we know of. The only GT500's known to have a flat gas cap emblem is the prototype V-738-2 and the first production GT500 #100. Please correct me at if there are any errors or let us know of any additions.

By VIN number
Car #      Model      Flat Gas Cap   SA Completion
V7382    GT500     Yes      9/-/1966
0001      GT350      Yes      11/4/1966
0002      GT350      Yes      10/20/1966 JD
0004      GT350      Yes      10/31/1966
0008      GT350      Yes      11/5/1966 Bob G.
0011      GT350      Yes      12/9/1966 per Mongo
0012      GT350      Yes      11/4/1966 rcgt350 photo (updated 8/20/2019)
0014      GT350      Yes      11/3/1966
0016      GT350      Yes      11/2/1966 JD
0018      GT350      Yes      10/19/1966
0020      GT350      Yes      11/2/1966
0021      GT350      Yes      11/4/1966 per registry & JD
0022      GT350      Yes      11/5/1966 JD
0023      GT350      Yes      11/4/1966 JD – restored with flat emblems (updated 2/13/18)
0024      GT350      Yes      10/26/1966 per registry & JD
0026      GT350      Yes      11/4/1966
0027      GT350      Yes      11/4/66 RP photo
0029      GT350      Yes      10/31/1966
0030      GT350      Yes      10/31/1966 per registry
0031      GT350      Yes      10/26/1966 per registry
0036      GT350      Yes      11/7/1966 per registry & JD
0046      GT350      Yes      11/9/1966
0050      GT350      Yes      11/9/1966
0054      GT350      Yes      11/5/1966 per registry & JD
0062      GT350      Yes      11/6/1966 per owner & registry
0063      GT350      Yes      11/14/1966 per registry & JD
0066      GT350      Yes      10/31/1966 JD – restored with flat emblem (updated 2/13/18)
0067      GT350      Yes      11/16/1966 per owner note & photo B. Styles (updated 8/19/2019)
0069      GT350      Yes      11/10/1966 per owner "Martyjac"
0071      GT350      Yes      11/30/1966 Goodfriends sales ad (updated 3/7/2018)
0073      GT350      Yes      11/30/1966 JD
0078      GT350      Yes      10/31/1966 JD
0082      GT350      Yes      12/13/1966
0083      GT350      Yes      11/5/1966 Brian G.
0087      GT350      Yes      11/8/1966 per registry & JD
0098      GT350      Yes      11/5/66 photo (updated 11/12/2021 RP)
0100      GT500     Yes      12/7/1966 (or 11/10/1966)
0176      GT350      Yes      9/-/1966
The original thread on the old forum was started by JD way back in October 2010.

I'm going to attempt to rebuild many of its components starting with the original post and the text JD wrote. I'll follow with an updated list.

Please be patient with me while I put this together. (Perhaps holding back comments until I can gather / post some of the informational posts and photos.)
Here's a link to the archived thread in the meanwhile.
I thought this thread should be brought back with some of the latest updates. Here's a chart that I put together from JD's old post with my changes/updates.
Let us know if anything is missing or incorrect.

Upper Scoop Lights         
SA Build   Yes   No   Unknown
11/4/66   #001      
10/20/66   #002      
10/19/66         #003
10/31/66   #004      
11/29/66   #005      
12/19/66         #006
10/28/66         #007
11/5/66   #008      
11/4/66         #009
1/9/67         #010
12/9/66         #011
11/4/66   #012      
11/22/66         #013
11/3/66   #014      
11/3/66         #015
11/2/66   #016      
10/31/66   #017      
10/19/66   #018      
10/20/66   #019      
11/2/66   #020      
11/4/66         #021
11/5/66      #022   
11/4/66   #023      
10/26/16   #024      
6/26/67         #025
11/4/66   #026      
11/4/66   #027      
11/7/66         #028
10/31/66   #029      
10/31/66   #030      
10/26/66   #031      
11/7/66         #032
11/9/66         #033
11/8/66         #034
11/9/66         #035
11/7/66   #036      
11/7/66         #037
12/8/66         #038
11/7/66   #039      
11/9/66         #040
11/9/66         #041
11/9/66         #042
11/11/66      #043   
11/9/66   #044      
11/2/66   #045      
11/9/66   #046      
11/2/66         #047
11/5/66      #048   
10/31/66   #049      
11/9/66   #050      
11/8/66   #051      
11/10/66         #052
10/31/66         #053
11/5/66   #054      
11/9/66   #055      
3/31/67         #056
12/7/66         #057
11/29/66         #058
10/31/66         #059
10/31/66         #060
11/17/66         #061
11/6/66   #062      
11/14/66   #063      
11/7/66         #064
10/31/66         #065
10/31/66   #066      
11/16/66         #067
11/6/66   #068      
11/10/66   #069      
11/7/66         #070
11/30/66   #071      
10/31/66         #072
11/30/66   #073      
11/6/66         #074
10/31/66   #075      
11/8/66         #076
1/25/67         #077
10/31/66   #078      
11/3/66         #079
11/30/66         #080
11/29/66         #081
12/13/66   #082      
11/5/66   #083      
11/7/66         #084
11/6/66   #085      
11/7/66         #086
11/8/66   #087      
12/13/66         #088
11/6/66   #089      
12/5/66         #090
12/5/66         #091
11/29/66         #092
12/5/66         #093
12/5/66         #094
3/9/67      #095   
12/1/66         #096
12/14/66   #097      
12/5/66         #098
12/5/66         #099
12/7/66   #100      
12/6/66         #101
12/5/66   #102      
12/7/66         #103
11/30/66         #104
11/30/66         #105
12/12/66         #106
12/1/66         #107
12/5/66         #108
12/6/66         #109
12/5/66         #110
12/6/66   #111      
12/5/66   #112      
12/5/66         #113
12/28/66         #114
12/8/66   #115      
12/8/66         #116
12/8/66   #117      
12/8/66         #118
12/8/66         #119
2/13/67         #120
12/8/66         #121
12/8/66         #122
12/8/66         #123
12/14/66      #124   
12/8/66         #125
12/12/66   #126      
12/8/66   #127      
12/16/66   #128      
12/8/66         #129
12/8/66   #130      
1/4/67      #131   
12/12/66         #132
12/13/66   #133      
12/8/66   #134      
12/13/66   #135      
12/14/66   #136      
12/14/66         #137
12/12/66         #138
12/7/66      #139   
12/14/66   #140      
12/14/66         #141
12/16/66   #142      
12/19/66   #143      
12/16/66   #144      
1/6/67   #145      
12/14/66         #146
12/16/66         #147
12/16/66         #148
12/29/66         #149
12/14/66   #150      
12/19/66   #151      
12/14/66         #152
12/14/66      #153   
12/14/66         #154
1/10/67   #155      
12/14/66         #156
12/14/66   #157      
12/16/66   #158      
12/21/66      #159   
12/16/66      #160   
12/14/66         #161
1/5/67         #162
12/22/66         #163
12/22/66         #164
1/3/67      #165   
12/21/66      #166   
1/4/67   #167      
12/28/66      #168   
12/21/66      #169   
1/3/67         #170
1/19/67      #171   
12/28/66         #172
12/12/66      #173   
12/21/66         #174
12/20/66         #175
10/1/66   #176      
12/28/66         #177
12/28/66         #178
12/28/66         #179
1/4/67         #180
12/30/66      #181   
1/4/67         #182
1/4/67         #183
12/21/66         #184
1/4/67      #185   
12/22/66         #186
12/22/66      #187   
1/3/67         #188
1/4/67      #189   
1/4/67      #190   
12/30/66         #191
1/5/67         #192
1/3/67         #193
1/5/67      #194   
1/4/67      #195   
1/12/67         #196
12/22/66         #197
1/4/66         #198
1/5/66         #199
1/6/67         #200
1/4/67         #201
1/4/67      #202   
12/30/66      #203   
1/6/67         #204
1/3/67         #205
1/4/67         #206
1/4/67         #207
1/4/67         #208
1/3/67         #209
1/4/67      #210   
1/4/67         #211
1/3/67      #212   
1/4/67      #213   
1/4/67         #214
1/3/67         #215
1/4/67         #216
1/10/67         #217
1/4/67         #218
1/4/67         #219
1/4/67         #220
1/13/67         #221
1/10/67         #222
1/3/67         #223
1/4/67         #224
1/4/67      #225   
1/3/67         #226
1/9/67      #227   
1/3/67         #228
1/5/67         #229
1/4/67         #230
1/3/67      #231   
1/3/67         #232
1/9/67         #233
1/4/67      #234   
1/4/67         #235
1/6/67         #236
1/9/67         #237
1/5/67         #238
1/4/67         #239
1/4/67         #240
1/5/67      #241   
1/4/67         #242
1/4/67      #243   
1/4/67         #244
1/4/67      #245   
1/4/67         #246
1/5/67      #247   
1/5/67         #248
1/3/67         #249
1/4/67      #250   
   Yes   No   unknown
   70   37   143
SAAC-42 / Pictures from SAAC 42 / Indy 2017
January 21, 2018, 08:34:56 PM
Here's the group photo of all the '67's with their ID #s.

and the early '67's

Ford GT / GT/101; The beginning
January 21, 2018, 08:29:04 PM
Getting finished and ready to ship to the USA for it's NYC Essex House introduction.
This one started out as an LX unlike almost every production SAAC Mustang which were base model GT's.