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Messages - Stef

Indeed sad what has happened to all the car mags.
At least we still have the annual, and if you use
Hagerty Insurance they print a quarterly that is full of great articles and entertaining stories.
So not all is lost, at least for now.
SAAC Forum Discussion Area / Re: Giving Thanks
November 26, 2021, 01:06:27 PM

That's your Ford GT in the avatar?  Wow!  Great color!

Yes she's mine. The color is 'Liquid Blue'  one of the stock pallet colors. Pictures really don't do it justice.
Has a strong hint of vintage to it like Guardsman Blue.
It's a blast to drive!
A rolling mini car show on the street and very capable on the
Another reason for being thankful, I know I'm blessed.
We should invite her and the GT350 to SAAC 47
SAAC Forum Discussion Area / Giving Thanks
November 24, 2021, 01:37:05 AM
Hello all,
Just want to say for all to have a healthy and happy
Thanksgiving. Just finished reading the SAAC interview with
Jay Talbott in #124. We sure owe Jay and his bride Gwenn a great deal of gratitude for all the effort.
And thank you to everyone else working hard for keeping our wonderful club going and making it so awesome!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone, have a good one!

Ford GT / Re: NGFGT display @ THe Henry Ford
November 11, 2021, 01:11:23 AM
Also want to say thanks for posting.
I remember going to the design center during GT rally 10.
I think I met you at Rally 13 in Scottsdale?